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Guild Wars

Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:38 am

Ok, so I have read and heard rave reviews from people for this game. I am very interested in it, and I plan to buy it sometime during the course of this summer. Its $50 in any of the stores that would sell them, so not that big of a setback. So I am wondering, should I get this game? I really want to hear from those that have the game already. Tell me the good points as well as the bad?

Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:08 pm

I've alreday made a thread here. ... sc&start=0

It was on the second page. :P
Just wanted to point you to where all the other Guild Wars discussion was going on.

I will answer your question though. This game is awesome, it has no suscription fees, amazing graphics, it is awesome. You should get it. I only wish there was more armor, classes, and races, but other then that, and couple of other little problems, this game is amazing.

Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:50 pm

Ok thanks sir_michael. :) I'll be sure to get it next time I go to Best Buy. I just talked to my friend about it and she has it too. Small world eh?
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