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How much would you pay for...

Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:33 pm

a Sega Nomad? I've been given an offer to buy one, in perfect condition, for $100 with 3 games. Is this a good ol' deal, or am I good ol' moron?

Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:08 am

That's decent, though I wouldn't buy it unless you have a wall adapter for it (I believe you can use the Sega Genesis one as well). It only lasts about 3 hours on 4 AA batteries. I would like to have one, but I'd have to get a new adapter. :\

I think you may have inspired me to get one, because to me, the only thing better than the Genesis, is one that's portable (and maybe some other things, but who's counting?). =D

Wed Jun 08, 2005 1:12 am

It would include one. Thanks!
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