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Tekken 5 Help

Sun Jul 17, 2005 5:41 pm

I'm doing Story Mode with Yoshimistu, and I'm on the final stage with th big fat guy. Is there anyway to avoid the shootey blastey thing from his stomach? That thing ticks me off

Oh yeah, I do know his 'secret move' if you will (the sword gouging)

Sun Jul 17, 2005 9:55 pm

Tap up of down twice to sidestep. It was a lot easier for me to beat him when I learned that.

Wed Jul 20, 2005 6:50 pm

I forget how I beat Jinpachi with Yoshimitsu, the Manji Spin Low Kicks are usually good for being cheap, but I think the dizziness at the end messes you up...

However, forgetting all crazy moves, simply holding down + forward and hitting O repeatedly can take out almost anyone unless you're using someone like Kuma/Panda who has short legs or that sort of deal.
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