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Super Smash Bros. Melee

Fri Nov 04, 2005 7:11 am

Who here has SSMBM?
I think it's really cool.

Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:10 am

I used to have it. I love that game so much, but no-one could beat me, so it kinda got boring winning all the time

Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:16 pm

I want to try that game so badly.

I've played SSB on the N64 and I'm pretty damn good with Nes and Pikachu if I say so myself :P But that game is only fun with friends, and even then it gets a bit boring after a while.

So yeah, give me a a general rundown, all you Melee fans. Tell me why it's better than the N64 version :P

Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:38 pm

I don't know if there's anything that the second doesn't do better. :p

A lot of people prefer the first though, probably for nostalgia or because Melee's too fast for them. *shrugs*

Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:53 pm

Fast paced action is always good fun. When we plug in 4 players at my friend's place, the game usually slows down that's how fast it is. It's crazy :P

For anyone with too much time on their hands, try a 4 player VS match, with all items other than Proximity Mines turned off. And item appearances on High. For best effect, pick a nice and small level.


But anyway, about Melee, how many characters are there? I've always been buggering to know.

Fri Nov 04, 2005 1:03 pm

I loathe this game for the sole reason that during my time in 6th form at school, the lads used to bring it in every single day and play it all day. I start twitching if I ever hear the music...

Fri Nov 04, 2005 1:58 pm

My cousin and I supposedly played to a tie, but I actually won (I won with two more lives, that's not a tie. XD). It was his Captain Falcon against my Fox, and I was toying around with him. Apparently he thinks any fight that takes a long time apparently means both people are on the same level. ._. Now he doesn't want to play because he thinks we'll always tie. >_>

Twisted Sanity wrote:But anyway, about Melee, how many characters are there? I've always been buggering to know.

There's 25 selectable, but if you count Zelda/Sheik as two characters (they often are in the tiers and are also played very differently), there's 26. Don't quote me on that though, I'm at school and am just going off the top of my head. :P

Fri Nov 04, 2005 6:15 pm

I like both versions... I think they have different feels... XD

I think the first one is generally more... I don't know how to explain this =P. Impactful! (is that even a word?) Because when you hit other people, they fly further... and throws are powerful... whereas in SSBM, the throws are sort of... not as good and they don't get knocked as far when you hit them. It gives me this gummy feeling XD. I also don't really like using the GC controller because the control stick kills my thumb after a while =P.

Other than that though, I generally like SSBM more because it has more characters and more moves (duh). I think Link sucks in SSB, but that might only be because I'm bad with him XD. I like playing with Fox and Pikachu in the old one, and Zelda/Shiek and Peach in the new one =P.

Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:10 pm

I adore SSBM, it's one of my favorite nintendo games. My bros and I play constantly to kill time, so much fun. My main characters are Samus, Marth and zelda. ^^

Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:16 pm

I like playing Fox and Young Link.
I should try to beat some more event matches...

I also have the game for N64, in which I also play Fox.

Fri Nov 04, 2005 11:49 pm

i've been beating up my opponents so easily. i use marth all the time and i use dash-jump (whatever they call those moves or air dash). i practice against my opponents for the advantages. when i was using marth i counter-attack all the time.

Sat Nov 05, 2005 11:11 pm

I have fun surprising people with my use of Jigglypuff. My choice often ends up working in my favour. :P But anyway, I mostly use Yoshi and Kirby just for fun value, not necessarily because I'm good with them (although I've really gotten the hang of Yoshi's Up-B attack).

I haven't touched my SSBM in awhile, mostly because I rarely ever have guests over. But it's still a lot of fun whenever I do take it out.

Sun Nov 06, 2005 3:29 am

Kirby = teh roxorz

I always win with him, so my friends always make me pick other characters to make the playing field even (which it isn't anyway, as the only character I'm bad with is Mewtwo).

Sun Nov 06, 2005 6:55 am

My favorite character is probably link for his versatile attacking skills and his ability to control the style that your opponents play by. You can dodge around and shoot projectiles, throwing in the occational sword slash, you can sit at the edge and fire projectiles until your opponent comes close, at which you unleash an up B sword spin, you can fight close combat...etc

Otherwise, zelda/shiek, marth, young link, and dr. mario are my other favorite choices. However, luigi, pikachu, samus, and fox are also characters with high potential.

Sun Nov 06, 2005 7:51 am

My favourite characters are kirby for his ability to run away, and Roy because I kick arse with him. Roys charged sword attack works well for me.
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