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Why Revolution will stink #1: The controller

Sun Dec 04, 2005 9:15 pm

Here's the controller that nintendo says is revolutionary!

Click for larger pic: http://www.1up.com/media?id=2308865&type=lg[/url]

Sun Dec 04, 2005 9:19 pm

Erm, we've kind of known that for a long time.

And Revolution will be good! And if not, I'll kidnap Shigeru Miyamoto and FORCE them to make it good.

Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:01 pm

Did you read why that controller is revolutionary? There's more than meets the eye.

Whether or not you like the controller is entirely your opinion, not fact. As for me, I'll love that thing to bits.

Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:29 pm

Nintendo is revolutianary, and always has been.
Sony is al about the Graphics.
Microsoft is all about big budgets but naff games.

Gimme Nintendo's revolutinary and Indepth games thankyouverymuch.

Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:41 pm

Really old news (like half a year xD)

Anyway, seeing as this is a fan-based topic instead of a civil discussion topic. I'm not a huge fan of the Revolution controller, the system will be better than the 360, which is all that really matters to me.

The controller is innovative, but it limits the amount of developers that are going to be able to work with it. But seeing as it has a redeeming quality over the other systems, I think the system that should be discussed for faults is the 360, not the Revolution (as, from what I have seen and played with, no qualities that would set it apart from the other console. It's just... there...).

Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:30 am

Kugetsu wrote:The controller is innovative, but it limits the amount of developers that are going to be able to work with it.

Actually, I heard it will be easier for developers to make Revolution games when compared to other systems, but it had nothing to do with the controller (something about the discs that will be used...I'll have to dig that article up). It might not be as complex as it sounds either, though since I'm no programming expert I can't say for sure.

Mon Dec 05, 2005 1:00 am

Ah, that may be true then, but I've also read that there's also a lack of companies that are willing to make games with the Revolution. It seems like a lot of them want nothing to do with it. I know nothing of the politics of these companies, but I would think that it would probably have something to do with the controller or the system itself. As far as I know, there's no internal strife between Nintendo and any developers, but I sure hope more games are produced for the Revolution than there were for the Gamecube (let's face it, how many Gamecube releases have we seen within the last couple on months?)

I do remember someone, Iwata I believe, said that if they didn't sell as many Revolutions as they did Gamecubes, that the Revolution would be a huge failure. They're going to have to get some more companies on their side if they want to improve sales (though I doubt it will be difficult to beat the GC sales).

Mon Dec 05, 2005 2:20 am

nintendo has been around for awhile i'm sure they know what their doing.....

Mon Dec 05, 2005 3:37 am

Black_Panther wrote:nintendo has been around for awhile i'm sure they know what their doing.....

If I'm not mistaken, Nintendo has been around for over 100 years (originally a trading card company or something similar to that), and have made the most popular video game series of like, all time (Mario and Zelda, anyone?), so yeah, they know what they're doing.

Anyway, I love the new controller. When I first saw it I was all "What is that?" but I've grown to love it. Can't wait to actually see what it can do.

Mon Dec 05, 2005 4:18 am

Age doesn't naturally bare wisdom. ;)

Just because they've been around for a long time doesn't mean that they are exempt from making horrible business choices. It means they've done enough to stay in business (not that they would go out of business with such a loyal fanbase). Also, the games and franchises do not entirely reflect their business choices either. The Mario franchise is at the worst that it has ever been. (Mario DDR and Soccer anyone?). Zelda has managed to stay fresh by not milking every little drop of money they can get out of it. But still, it doesn't reflect Nintendo itself.

One Zelda game every couple of years is a great idea. I don't think Mario has been faring so well with a couple of Mario games per year. Mario just isn't what it once was.

Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:07 am

That controller is one of the reasons the Revolution is going to be GREAT!

I mean, have you ever seen a video of that thing in action? It might look a little weird at first but after watching the video with the players leaping around with that controller and really getting into it I just fell in love with the controller and the whole console.

Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:53 pm

Kugetsu wrote:Age doesn't naturally bare wisdom. ;)

The companies been around well over 100 years.
They must be doing somthing right ;)

Tue Dec 06, 2005 3:03 am

We'll see who's laughing when the revo accually comes out. This controller will pwn. :hug:

Tue Dec 06, 2005 3:50 am

Setekh wrote:
Kugetsu wrote:Age doesn't naturally bare wisdom. ;)

The companies been around well over 100 years.
They must be doing somthing right ;)

Yes, but you can't give them credit for the more than 60 years that they weren't producing games. ;) The fact that they have been around for over 100 years means nothing when talking about their games. But as I mentioned before, just because they've been around a long time doesn't mean they don't make mistakes. They've been making more and more in the recent years.

Why MRBboy8 stinks #1

Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:14 pm

Interesting. MRBboy8 only provided us with an image and not the article that explains how it works and why it's revolutionary.

And let's not forget, people, thanks to the shell developers can port games to the Revolution and use the same control scheme they're using on the PS3 and X360. Although I'm looking forward to original games more than ports.

If you check statements from developers, they're actually looking forward to using this new control scheme.
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