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Wii, Nintendo?! WII!!!

Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:46 pm

Nintendo Wii

They've finally given it a name, and they have really missed the mark. Personally, I hate it and I'm gonna be printing out lots of 'Nintendo Revolution' stickers to put over all the 'Nintendo Wii' logos.

EDIT: Fixed the URL. And it's pronounced 'We'.

God, if Yellow is a launch colour the internet is going to a splode.
Last edited by Ixistant on Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Apr 27, 2006 5:56 pm

That name sucks... terribly, and they're not as witty as they think they were when they made the name (it's so very lame). Nintendo can do better than that. Heck, even Nintendo (Insert number here) is better than that.

Revolution > Wii

Revolution went wii wii wii, all the way home. ;_;

Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:00 pm

Actually, it's pronounced 'we', I think. I'm not sure if that makes it any better though.

Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:07 pm

You know how many "wee" jokes there are going to be when this comes out? >_> *cringes* (and I don't mean small, I mean "#1")

Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:18 pm

That just takes the smurf...

Revolution is one of the best nintendo console titles I have ever heard, and then they turn it into a friggin "easy to remember name"

and the best quote ever:

No confusion. No need to abbreviate. Just Wii.

But I LIKED the confusion of wondering what my purple cube shaped gaming console was called and I LIKED wasting 5 seconds to think of what the shortened abbreviated handy form of gamecube was!!

This all better be a late april fools joke and Arnold Schwarznegger better run into E3 threating to pulverise anyone associated with the "Wii" unless they change the name.

Bah I don't think I'm gonna buy the new console - I was (when it first came out but games on it suck now) proud of owning a gamecube and I was looking forward to telling everyone that I've got a revolution but no way am I going to tell someone I have a wii in my bedroom...


Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:33 pm

In Scotland it would equal Nintendo Little due wee there meaning little.
In France it would equal Nintendo Yes due Oui being their translation for yes.

Sounds to me that the person came with must either be Scotish or French. The Scotish version gives it a kiddie image but the French is saying Yes it's Nintendo. I going to call it the Nintendo Yes or the Nintendo W.I.I because they sound better than saying wee to me. (Yes I do realise that WII means we.)

Makes you wonder what everyone reaction if Sony also decided to rename their PS3 to PSWIII and pronounce it as PSwe.

I can just picture the arguements between the Nintendo fanboys and the Sony fanboys if that happened. Example below.

Sony Fanboy: My PSWIII is better than your WII.
Nintendo: No my WII is better than your PSWIII.

EDIT: There is a petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/qaopjlll/petition.html for those who don't like the name.
Last edited by Combusken BG on Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:17 pm

I always knew Nintendo would eventually go bankrupt, I just never thought it would be this soon. Say good bye all you Nintendo fanboys and girls, Nintendo cannot possibly live this name down.

However, I guess you could call it the Nintendo W2, as in "the 2nd time Nintendo takes over the world of gaming" but if you do I want credit for thinking it up. :roll:

Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:42 pm

If Nintendo failed to sell even a single Revolution (I'll never stop calling it that) they would still probably be far from bankrupt. Even their handheld market would help boost up their sales. Sure, they would lose aton of money, but I doubt it would be enough to actually put them out of business.

It'll probably out-sell the XBox360 (PS3 is quesionable, though, since the Revolution may cut close, never know though) even with a lame name like like Wee... er... Wii.

Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:20 pm

"OH noes. its sounds like wee-wee!1!111!!1" Went the interweb masses.

"Pfffft. whatever" Went the rest of the world."

"Its better than Playstation 3 or XBOB 360 you shmuck" Went that guy I spoke to.

Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:34 pm

You know, I hated the name when I found out this morning, but over the last few hours, it's really grown on me. I don't like it, but it's fine. The direction they're going in does make sense, and the use of the i's in the trailer makes for some neat marketing plans for the future. This "general" kinda name will bring in a broader demographic. "Revolution," as good as it sounds to us younger people, will probably deter those adults thinking it's about rebels or something.

If it makes you guys feel any better, think of it as more of a "Whee!" than a "wee." But come on, it's not as clumsy as "Xbox 360." :P

But anywho. I'm far more interested in the Wii's capabilities than the potential backlash of the name. Besides, there's been backlash everytime Nintendo decided to change a console's name, and it's always died out pretty quickly. Sure, there'll be many jokes made about this one, but I'm sure it'll settle soon.

Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:04 am

Yoshi wrote:But anywho. I'm far more interested in the Wii's capabilities than the potential backlash of the name. Besides, there's been backlash everytime Nintendo decided to change a console's name, and it's always died out pretty quickly. Sure, there'll be many jokes made about this one, but I'm sure it'll settle soon.

But the Wii's capabilities won't be nowhere near as advanced as the PS3 or 360 so it won't be winning no prizes when it comes to graphics.

The new controller appears like a big pain in the neck to me, if I wanted to use a remote contorl to play games I'd subscribe to the game service Dish Network offers.

The Wii is going to be the Gamecube relived. Third-party games won't come to it because of the lack of power and now the controller so you'll have to play 1st party games of which there will be too many "kid friendlies" and not enough with adult / young adult appeal.

I predict, though I'm could be wrong, that Nintendo is going to go the way of Sega and not even try to release another console after this one. They'll still continue to make hand-helds I'm sure of that, but I don't know how long they can exist after that.

I know the death of Nintendo has been argued to death, but I have a feeling it may be happening within the next 10 years.

Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:49 am

Ofcourse the N64 and the Gamecube and the Gameboy SP and various other things were meant to herald the death of Nintendo.
Face it, the company is doing well enough to stay afloat, their sales haven't dropped dramaticly and the Handhelf market is doing phenonemely.
Hell, aslong as they dont do a Games workshop theyll be fine.

Fri Apr 28, 2006 2:36 am

jrtman wrote:But the Wii's capabilities won't be nowhere near as advanced as the PS3 or 360 so it won't be winning no prizes when it comes to graphics.

The new controller appears like a big pain in the neck to me, if I wanted to use a remote contorl to play games I'd subscribe to the game service Dish Network offers.

The Wii is going to be the Gamecube relived. Third-party games won't come to it because of the lack of power and now the controller so you'll have to play 1st party games of which there will be too many "kid friendlies" and not enough with adult / young adult appeal.

I predict, though I'm could be wrong, that Nintendo is going to go the way of Sega and not even try to release another console after this one. They'll still continue to make hand-helds I'm sure of that, but I don't know how long they can exist after that.

I know the death of Nintendo has been argued to death, but I have a feeling it may be happening within the next 10 years.

Yeah, the graphics definitely won't be "next-gen," meaning it's not HD. But even though I do have an HD TV, somehow this doesn't matter to me. Still, it doesn't mean it's gonna be terrible, and graphics shouldn't be the winning factor.

The "kid-friendly" schtick has been said over and over again, and I hate to sound like a defending-fan-boy type (cause although I do have Nintendo systems, I'm really not), but you might wanna take a look at that "Red Steel" thread in this board or take a peek at this article. *shrug* Frankly, I'm quite surprised that they haven't announced many kid-friendly games.

Anywho, everything sounds different (*ahem* including the name, which is the main purpose of this topic :P), and it seems enough to pique my interest, after having taken myself off from videogames for so long.

Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:23 am

... it's just a name. Okay, I don't like it that much either, but I don't see why people have to make such a big deal out of it.

Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:35 am

Jrtman, you don't sound very informative on Revolution, and rather fanboyish so I guess I'll put things into perspective. (heck, anyone that's read up on this at all could disprove most of what you've said.)

jrtman wrote:But the Wii's capabilities won't be nowhere near as advanced as the PS3 or 360 so it won't be winning no prizes when it comes to graphics.

This is a reason that new gamers are dragging video games down the crapper. Who cares about the freaking graphics!? I don't play games just because the graphics are nice (and those that do are fools). If you haven't noticed, the 360 is way off of the PS3's graphics as well, and actually quite close to the Rev's capabilities. People play games they find fun or interesting, not those that look the coolest.

Aside from multi-platform titles, I really am not interested in the 360 at all, yet it has nice graphics. Luckily, the PS3 already looks to have as great of a library as ever, but also great graphics. Graphics mean nothing if your library sucks.


jrtman wrote:The new controller appears like a big pain in the neck to me, if I wanted to use a remote contorl to play games I'd subscribe to the game service Dish Network offers.

Fair point, I guess, though it really wasn't explained past the point of "I just don't like it."

jrtman wrote:The Wii is going to be the Gamecube relived. Third-party games won't come to it because of the lack of power and now the controller so you'll have to play 1st party games of which there will be too many "kid friendlies" and not enough with adult / young adult appeal.

WRONG. This is where common sense take flight. First of all, if you haven't noticed or read up on anything, the Revolution is actually getting a huge gain in 3rd party support, in fact, it's very first game is 3rd party.

How powerful your system is has absolutely no effect on how much 3rd party support you get... at all. If anything, the PS3 is going to be the most difficult to provide games for because of it's Blu-Ray format.

Oh, and if you haven't noticed, the very first game being released is anything but "kiddy" (though the GC was). The 3rd Party support that I already mentioned already disproves that.

jrtman wrote:I predict, though I'm could be wrong, that Nintendo is going to go the way of Sega and not even try to release another console after this one. They'll still continue to make hand-helds I'm sure of that, but I don't know how long they can exist after that.

I know the death of Nintendo has been argued to death, but I have a feeling it may be happening within the next 10 years.

Nope... that's nearly impossible, actually. As long as they make another console, then they will last longer than 10 years (take into account the life of a current generation system, it's about 5 years), in fact, the only way I can see Nintendo going out of business is if they don't even release the Revolution and have a terrible time with their handhelds. It just won't happen. o_o

(and I'm still not using the stupid Wii name)

Icey - It's not just a name. A name can greatly affect those that are thinking of purchasing the product. You wouldn't buy a bottle of shampoo called " 'Poo " would you? Of course we know what it is, but some feel kind of stupid for having something named that in their posession (though some would find it amusing). As far as products and economics go, a name is never just a name, it's a ticket to sales.
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