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Soul Calibur 2 or 3

Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:58 pm

I love both D: I can't live without my SoulCalibur. I play as Ivy alot. :3 anyone else?

Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:57 am

Soul Calibur II, I used Talim the most (by a long shot) and actually did pretty well with her. The only person I couldn't beat, ironically, was someone new to the game that used a Damascus-wielding Mitsurugi. Sure, they couldn't block, but you're down in like 3 or 4 hits. x)

Soul Calivur III - 100% Xianghua. She's by far my favourite. People say she's been "downgraded" from her godly tier spot in SCII (she was probably my 3rd favourite there), but to me, she's a much more fluid character that before, and probably of all of the other characters in the game. I don't know, she has a completely different feel to her. Now, a button-mashing fiend has no chance. =P

But, for the record, I HATED Nightmare in SCII with a fiery passion. Such a cheap character (not hard to dodge, but he hits for a godly amount with his two final weapons, especially the Soul Edge. x_x). Don't know, too many people used him for my taste. :P

Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:08 pm

I hesitated to get SCIII because I heard about a glitch that erases your memory card files, and I've been waiting for Namco to fix the glitch. Anyone know if that's been fixed?

Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:21 am

Ii only corrupts your SC3 data, and as much as people talk about it, I've not taken ANY of the precautions (turning auto-save off, for example, not deleting files that were on the memory card before SC3) and I haven't had a single problem. If you have a slightly full memory card, it would be best to get a new one. Basically the rule of thumb seems to be that if SC3 is the first save on your memory card, you're absolutely safe (unless your memory card screws up).

There's also another way to do it that requires two memory cards on here:

http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/soul ... 089&page=6

But as I said, it's only to the SC3 data, and it's not *that* common of a thing. Also, I would avoid doing anything in the Chronicle of the Sword mode other than playing the stages and saving. It seems that it may be caused my soft resetting while in the middle of a battle or doing something else to aggravate it.

I have a SC3 file on both of my memory cards (on the first-arty card and the other a 32 MB third-party card) and nothing has happened yet.
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