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Narutimate Hero 3

Sat Jun 24, 2006 4:54 am

I was just wondering if Japanese games work on American PS2's... Cause I REALLY want to buy NH3, but its only out in Japan.

Sat Jun 24, 2006 5:09 am

Nope, American PS2s won't work the imported games. I'm not absolutely sure about the PS2, but I know, at least for the GC that there is something you can buy (called Freeloader) which allows you to play imported games on an American system.

However, for the PS2, I believe you actually have to purchase something, open up your PS2, and alter something to get imported games to work. Um, I think think they're called "flip-top covers", or something. I'm pretty much in the same dilemma as you, I want the game, but I can't play it. I don't think I'm willing to mod my PS2, though, as it voids the warranty (if it's still in effect), and if you screw something up, you may end up having to buy a new PS2. Modchips do it too, but they're illegal and a big no-no (so don't do that).

You can buy these things, and as far as I know, they're legal, but they're risky too (and make your PS2 look like crap when they're installed). Basically, instead of having a PS2 with a door that pops out, you have a GC-like door to your PS2, if you can even call it that. I once had an online guide that explained how it works, but I can't find it now.

Looks like that.

Basically, unless you want to mangle your PS2, or at least risk mangling it, you won't be able to play imports on the PS2.

Sat Jun 24, 2006 5:53 am

Generally games, movies, and many other types of media don't work outside the country they were marketed in. It's a region code-thing...you'll notice them labeled on electronics sometimes. We're NTSC, Europe is PAL, and I don't know what Japan would be. You'll either need to get a Japanese PS2 of a mod for the one you own right now, like Kugetsu said.

Sat Jun 24, 2006 11:12 pm

Hmm... How much do you think the Japanese PS2s would go for? Im willing to risk it with my PS2, cause I have a dad that builds computers and he altered my PS1 so that I could play copies of games on there so I wouldnt have to buy them... ^.^'

How much do you think it would cost for one of those flippy toppy majigers? And dont you have to buy a Japanese television too?

Sat Jun 24, 2006 11:22 pm

It's hard to say exactly how much they cost, but I googled and took the first site and it says $32.95 (for the flip-top cover AND Swap-Magic, a program you might want to Google up).

http://www.thegiantstore.com/index.asp? ... ProdID=265

Either way is fine. I mean, Japanese PS2's shouldn't really cost that much, if you get them from Ebay, but then again, I haven't checked them out yet (though a new PS2 will end up costing more than the flip-top).

Sun Jun 25, 2006 12:45 am

And how much do those Mod Chips cost? And is it true that its like a 90% chance od ruining your PS2 with one of those?

Sun Jun 25, 2006 12:51 am

Mod chips are illegal so I can't discuss that. :P But yes, they have a chance of screwing up your PS2, though I think 90% seems a little unbelievable, it's probably considerably lower than that. (probably nearer 1%-10%, possibly more, but if it was 90% no one would use them)

Sun Jun 25, 2006 12:59 am

Oh ok... :\ My dad says that The flippy top thing wouldnt work cause there is the copy right protection so you cant copy it and then if you were to use the japanese regional code thing you would need a japanese television cause of the code. I dont even know if he knows what he is talking about... o_o

Sun Jun 25, 2006 1:43 am

Now, I don't *quite* understand why the fliptop part is needed, but here's how it works (I believe). The disk you get (Swap-Magic) acts just like the Freeloader for the GC. Before you go to play the Japanese game, you insert the Swap-Magic disk. I don't know how it works exactly, but it actually tricks the PS2 into thinking that the game isn't restrained by the Regional Code, therefore it will actually work on your PS2. (I'm guessing the flip-top is to keep you from hitting the tray-opening button and making the PS2 try to read the disk over again, interrupting what the Swap-Magic disk did). It does work, though, as it's quite popular in the American, or at least outside of Japan, import game players.

As for the television, I don't believe a Japanese television is necessary. I've never heard anyone ever make mention of one, or even needing on before, and I know someone on these forums that plays Ninja Taisen 4 (albeit it for GC) religiously. Her user name is Armi is you want to ask her, but I even googled it and tried to find something on it, but I couldn't find anything. (I mean, since you're tricking the PS2 into thinking you're playing an import, so long as it's connected to the television, then it'll be fine. However, if we was referring to using the Japanese System on a Japanese television, I haven't a clue, but I still doubt it's necessary.

Sun Jun 25, 2006 1:58 am

Thanks alot for the information. :)

Now to talk my dad into letting me buy it and then the Narutimate Hero 3 game. :D

Sun Jun 25, 2006 3:48 am

Good luck. xD That'll cost like almost half of one of my paychecks to buy. xD

Sun Jun 25, 2006 5:21 pm

xD Thanks for the encouraging words :P
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