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Dirge of Cerberus

Sat Aug 19, 2006 3:18 am

So, did anyone get the latest installment to the Final Fantasy VII series? I just got it today, and it's sweeeeeet. Mindless fun shooting random evil soldiers in Midgar and Edge and from what I can tell, probably most of the cities from the game. I'm currently at the sewers at Nibelheim.

What does everyone think about this game? And if you don't have it, are you doing to buy it/rent it?

Sat Aug 19, 2006 3:23 am

There's a bad air around it on the internet, but personally, I have yet to see anyone give a good reason to back up their claims. People mindlessly saying things about games isn't the best picture to draw an image from, I suppose.

I personally can't wait to get a hold of it, but I think it's going to be a rent, because the next game I'm buying is Disgaea 2. :\

If I get the money, however, I plan on buying it.

Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:12 am

Hm, I just beat it today, and the reason is probably that everyone was thinking it was going to be some magnificent installment. The game only takes 10 hours or so to beat, and it's not challenging whatsoever in the sense that even in the boss battles you simply aim and shoot(no stretegies involved)...Maybe people were expecting some amazing RPG because it's Final Fantasy? I dunno.

It's just entertaining, and the cutscenes are to die for. Definitely rent it. :)
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