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C&C RTS Games

Thu Oct 28, 2004 3:00 pm

C&C = Command and Conquer. I love playing Red Alert 2 and Generals (plus their exp. packs), though I know that they are considered old already. Anyone here play them? Which sides do you like to use?

Fri Oct 29, 2004 4:47 am

I love playing all Command and Conquer games! As for sides:

C&C Tiberian Sun: GDI
Red Alert: Soviets
Red Alert 2: Allies
C&C Generals: China

Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:47 am

Red Alert 2 is my all time favourite game. Yuri's Revenge was also good. I like having actors in the cutscenes, it adds a nice touch.

Fri Oct 29, 2004 7:12 am

Optimus wrote:Red Alert 2 is my all time favourite game. Yuri's Revenge was also good. I like having actors in the cutscenes, it adds a nice touch.

I absolutely agree. I fell in love with one actress so much that I played through the campaigns at least 3 times just to see her act. :oops:

Fri Oct 29, 2004 7:25 am

Im excited to see the difference in the Generals engine on the Battle for middle earth game. That will be worth seeing.

I've played Red alert, Red alert 2, Tiberian Sun. Havent played so much of Generals so far.

Fri Oct 29, 2004 8:51 pm

C&C tiberian sun PWNs joo.
anyone who says it was rubbish, doesnt know C&C games, the most interesting storyline (could kane be....cain? brotherhood of nod, protection of god and all that?)
cool characters (well, the bad guys anyhow)
"That course of action has greatest probability of a favourable outcome."
"Define favourable outcome, Cabal?"
"They all die."
"good enough"
(CABAL and ....nod...guy..)

also CABALs lil slip regarding his plans.
"if we attack from the south it will suppliment my...our, plans"

course renegade is superb too, if only for the line "weve just been rated a nuclear threat people"

red alert 2 is good aswell, i assume your reffering to eva qanda's and not tanya? (tanya is played by kari wuhureriggenfriggenwatsit, shes also in sliders (tv sereis) and eight legged freaks (a freaking hilarious but slightly odd film)

generals isnt command and conqeur, nothing else to say.
oh and i hope EA never decide to finish the tiberian series, i dont think i could take a hit like the travesty that is generals.
westwood died when EA bought them out, C&C died with them (mainly because the staff quit)

"that was left handed" (tiberian dawn PWNS all, even tiberian sun)

Fri Oct 29, 2004 8:53 pm

I played C&C: Generals at my friends house, and it was awesome.

I treid buying it, but apparently my computer doesn't like it.. :roll:

Fri Oct 29, 2004 10:04 pm

i cant play tiberian dawn, its either uber fast or uber slow, so the mission where you have to steal back the lazures shielding (as Nod, the first mission where you get the obolisk) is well ard, and i never finished it :(
and i just hate doing most of the GDI missions anyway.

Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:49 am

Setekh wrote:red alert 2 is good aswell, i assume your reffering to eva qanda's and not tanya? (tanya is played by kari wuhureriggenfriggenwatsit, shes also in sliders (tv sereis) and eight legged freaks (a freaking hilarious but slightly odd film)

BWAHAHAHAH I was referring to Zophia. ;)

Sat Oct 30, 2004 10:31 am

I absolutely hated C&C: Generals. I don't know why, I really found it awful when I played it. However, I did really enjoy playing Red Alert. And gladly bought the expansion. ^_^

Tiberian Sun is still my all-time favourite though.

Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:27 pm

Stijn wrote:I absolutely hated C&C: Generals. I don't know why, I really found it awful when I played it. However, I did really enjoy playing Red Alert. And gladly bought the expansion. ^_^

Gah, I remember playing C&C Red Alert 2, then looking so forward to buying Generals. I was impressed by the graphics , but the game just seemed kinda... boring almost. I mean it lasted me about a week before I gave up on it and moved back to Red Alert 2.

Sun Oct 31, 2004 1:05 pm

ah yes zophia, the russian washername, forgotten her..
and yeah, generals is bad, im gonna go back to playing renegade, theres nothing quite like stomping through the temple of nod getting shot up by cloaked nutters and hearing the comn unit babble on about the computer augmented biologically assisted life form (CABAL...)
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