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Fri Nov 12, 2004 3:50 pm

Honestly, I didn't know where this goes, but I'll post here.

Have you guys seen the new Tamagotchi Connection things? They're kinda cool. I had a Tamagotchi in High School *cough* 8 years ago when I was a Freshman. I really liked it. Anyway, here's the website to find out more info: http://www.tamagotchiconnection.com/

Oh! And if you don't want to buy one, here's a Tamagotchi simulator for your PC: http://www.cwinapp.com/tamagotchi/

Fri Nov 12, 2004 11:07 pm

Those things are EVIL, I say. They whine and need attention and harrass you, and then you forget them for an hour and 45 minutes and they DIE and go to some little Tamagotchi heaven and all your work is a waste.

^.^;; I think mine is buried under my bed, not working because it needs batteries, and it'll probably never work again.

Sat Nov 13, 2004 2:20 am

Flame wrote:Those things are EVIL, I say. They whine and need attention and harrass you, and then you forget them for an hour and 45 minutes and they DIE and go to some little Tamagotchi heaven and all your work is a waste.

Sounds like some teenagers I know... :P

Sat Nov 13, 2004 2:22 am

Those things are so cute! Of course I haven't had time for mine so it's been paused for a few weeks. :lol: They rock though. So cute. Wheeeeee.
The old Tamagotchi PC game (came out when the old Tamagotchis were still around) rocks. The Tamagotchis make cute little squeaky sounds. Awwwww!

Sat Nov 13, 2004 3:06 am

hyperflutterby wrote:
Flame wrote:Those things are EVIL, I say. They whine and need attention and harrass you, and then you forget them for an hour and 45 minutes and they DIE and go to some little Tamagotchi heaven and all your work is a waste.

Sounds like some teenagers I know... :P

*dies of laughter* XD

Sat Nov 13, 2004 3:30 am

Oh wow... I haven't heard/seen a Tamagotchi in ages... Woow... :P

Re: Tamagotchi

Sat Nov 13, 2004 6:23 pm

mercurius wrote:Have you guys seen the new Tamagotchi Connection things? They're kinda cool. I had a Tamagotchi in High School *cough* 8 years ago when I was a Freshman. I really liked it. Anyway, here's the website to find out more info: http://www.tamagotchiconnection.com/

I had one too. Thought I was very very cool at the time. :)

I would like to think I've outgrown them by now, but I kind of want one...

Sat Nov 13, 2004 6:29 pm

my sisters has one of the new Tamagotchi Connection things, its fun for about 10minutes, then I get bored of it. o_O

Re: Tamagotchi

Sat Nov 13, 2004 7:00 pm

atomicblonde wrote:
I had one too. Thought I was very very cool at the time. :)

I would like to think I've outgrown them by now, but I kind of want one...

I think we all like to think that. Including me. I used to have one (all right, I'll admit it: two :oops: ) but I got really bored with them. Didn't think I would want them ever again, until I heard about the Neopets Tamagotchies. Then I went crazy about them!
Never got one though, they never sold them here (Netherlands).

I would like to have one of these new ones, but I wouldn't know anyone to connect with. All my friends are 'grown up', have a job, a house, maybe a spouse or even a kid. They don't really need anymore fuss. Thinking about it, I don't either.

But they're sooooo cute! 0:)

Sun Nov 14, 2004 7:26 pm

Good grief those things are coming back?! o.o I used to have one too (shhh!) and I gotta admit I was quite addicted to them. The only thing I didn't do was to unlock the elusive "Bill Clinton" pet :lol:

Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:55 pm

Haha, I used to be a crazed Tamagotchi lunatic. I used to have tons of those things... I know they are still buried around here somewhere... >_>

I'm surprised they are bringing them back (well... maybe not).

Thu Nov 18, 2004 9:43 am

I can't believe that Tamagotchi is making a come back! I still have one some where at my parent's house and a kitty gigapet. I remember the craziness surrounding those (I was in 7th grade at the time) and how their was a shortage! I'm half tempted to get a new one just to see how it's different from the old one.

Thu Nov 18, 2004 12:56 pm

You don't want to know what I did to my Tamagotchi when I was a kid.


Thu Nov 18, 2004 1:03 pm

I never had a Tamagotchi, but I had a GigaPet!! lol It was an adorable little koala bear, but I killed it alot.

It makes me laugh to think of what a huge fad those things were. All the girls in my school had at least one.

Fri Nov 19, 2004 2:51 am

Erin wrote:I never had a Tamagotchi, but I had a GigaPet!! lol It was an adorable little koala bear, but I killed it alot.

It makes me laugh to think of what a huge fad those things were. All the girls in my school had at least one.

Alot of guys in my school had them too. Come to think of it, why were they such a big hit anyways? More importantly, why was I so drawn to them? XD
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