mercurius wrote:
Do the other islands have better equipment for higher level characters? a certain extent. Non player characters sell up to level 40 weapons and armour. I think it's up to 40. Some shops may sell higher...I'm not certain. But not all higher level equips can be bought.
How do I get to the next island and when should I think about leaving?
You go to Ellinia and at the upper right corner, go to the station. You then pay 5000 mesos to get a one way ticket to Ossyria [you'll arrive in Orbis [which is part of the continent Ossyria]]. Stay inside the ship because if a Crimson Balrog shows up, the touch damage will murder you and send you back to Ellinia with no money refunded. You'd then have to fork over another 5000 mesos if you wanted to try going to Ossyria again. From the Orbis train station, you could take a 6000 mesos one way trip to Ludibrium. This is a safe trip so you don't need to hide inside the cabin during the voyage or anything. If you're in the higher levels and you'd like to save money, you can go the long way by clambering down Orbis Tower and going through Aqua Road. At the end of Aqua Road, you'll end up at Korean Folk Town. In Korean Folk Town, you'll find an elevator that goes up to Ludibrium. I hope that explains everything.
If the other islands don't have better equipment, where the heck are people getting all their cool stuff?
Monsters drop most of the higher levelled equipment. It really depends on the equipment. Of course, the chance of this is pretty slim so expect outrageously high prices.
The free market is just a mess to navigate and I don't have near the amount of mesos people are asking for things.
Yeah, steer clear from the crazy psychoes at free market. Maybe, once in a while, there's a good deal...but mostly it's crazily overpriced.
Last question, how much are workman's gloves really worth?
If you're talking about work gloves [the white gloves with an average of 2 defence], they should be around 10-20K according to
Basilmarket, which is a pretty good site in terms of selling stuff. It's not necessarily the best site but it's okay. The really crazy prices you see are scrolled gloves probably. A clean [nothing done to it glove] is pretty worthless. A 3 defence work glove might be worth more though.
Sorry for all the questions.

It's alright...Answering them makes me feel semi-productive...which is good

Other people are welcome to answer. This is just my perspective :]

Ooh. It's pretty.

See all the pretty presents? They can be yours if you vote for me. Yet, none of you know me. T_T How sad. There's no way to get the pretty presents then.