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 Post subject: Strike Policy and Rules!
PostPosted: Mon May 31, 2004 5:37 am 
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Strike Policy

These forums operate a system to dissuade members from abusing the forums and/or each other. Abuse can take many forms and some of us have had first hand experience of this.

The Moderators of this forum have been empowered with the ability to award 'strike' points to members who don't follow the Terms & Conditions of the forum and any other general etiquette expected when taking part in this Community.

Therefore, if members fail to heed the Terms & Conditions of the forum, as we have seen in the past, or ignore requests from Moderators, they can expect to be jumped on.

The Moderators do not have to tell you if you have been awarded a 'strike', but they will regularly report any abuse of the Forum to the Administrators who will take action against repeat offenders.

Incase you're wondering just what might await you if you don't abide by the Terms & Conditions, then there is a simple guide below.

One strike will bring your future actions under close scrutiny by the Moderating team.

Two strikes will interest the Administrators, who will then pay special attention to you, and not in a good way.

If you manage to get three strikes, then you will find yourself banned from the forum for a set amount of time. This amount of time will depend on what you have done to earn those strikes in the first place.

Each strike thereafter, up to a maximum of six strikes will get you banned, again for a certain length of time to be determined by the Administrator dealing with you. When you reach six strikes, you're history. No discussion, no argument. The Administrator's decision is final.

Serious offences against the Forum or other users will result in an immediate ban.

All strikes will be wiped at the end of every month, apart from those with six strikes who will be permanently banned from the forums. The reasons for the strikes being awarded will be kept on file for future reference.

The vast majority of members will never get a strike as they conduct themselves perfectly respectably on the forum. The odd double post or less than three word response is not going to get you a strike. You will get a polite reminder from the Mods that you may want to carefully consider for next time, but if you respond badly to that advice, then they are perfectly within their rights to award you with a strike because of it.

We understand that people who are new to the board may make mistakes without realising it, so minor offences for those that have been here for a week or less will also be given the benefit of the doubt.

Thanks for reading.
The PPT Moderator Team.

 Post subject: Rules
PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 7:01 pm 
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Aren't games much more enjoyable when you play by the rules? Okay, don't answer that. Regardless, there are no cheat codes on PPT so I'm afraid these rules are going to have to be followed.

1. All Global Forum Rules apply.

2. Do not make duplicate topics. We all know how awesome your favorite game is, but it only needs 1 thread, not 5. Please make sure to check if a thread on a given topic already exists before starting a new one.

3. Do not link to inappropriate sites. There are a lot of sites that are packed full of gaming information, but make sure they don't contain any inappropriate material before you post them on PPT.

4. Do not link to sites that have illegal game emulation. Not only is it against the Terms and Conditions of the site, but it's illegal.

5. Be respectful of the opinions of others. You don't have to agree with the guy who thinks E.T. for the Atari 2600 is the best game ever, but you do have to be respectful. Flaming of any kind will not be tolerated.

 Post subject: The Golden Rule
PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:45 pm 
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In the past few months, the PPT forums have undergone changes in regards to its appearance and technical aspects. Over the next few months, the PPT Moderating team have decided to reduce the clutter in the forum and to make this forum an enriching experience for everyone who visits.

As part of the PPT Moderating team, we know how much each PPTer contributes to this forum to make it a fun and lively place to discuss all sorts of subjects (Console & PC Gaming being the key one for this particular thread). As a PPTer, we know you want to come to a forum that's organized, friendly and safe; well, as can be seen, PPT has the friendly and safe aspects down pat. The organization of the forum has been up to par, however with the recent insurgence of new members, the forum has become slightly cluttered leaving a lot of unused and old threads for the Moderators to look after. Don't get me wrong, we're not complaining, however we feel that as a community, we should all work together to enhance our experience on the forum itself. For some PPTers, PPT is like a home and I'm sure no one here likes a messy house, so why should we settle for a messy forum?

Therefore, starting today, the Console & PC Gaming board will become cleaner and more attractive. It has come to our attention that PPTers often create doubles of threads on games or on various consoles which already exist and it's often difficult for new members (Let alone old members) to decide which thread to post in or if they should just make a new one themselves. In order to relieve this members of their confusion, from today, the following rules will be enforced,

1. There will be four threads based on the four mainstream consoles: Nintendo (Which includes all Wii, Gamecube, etc...), Playstation (Which includes PSP, PS3, etc...) and X-Box (Includes X-Box 360). The only thing to be posted in each of these threads will be information about the consoles themselves or troubleshooting questions. For instance, if I would like to know why my PSP isn't working, I'd post in the "Playstation" thread and ask. Or if I found an article revealing the next console for X-Box, I would post the article in the "X-Box" thread. These threads can be used for general questions such as "What games should I get for Nintendo Wii?", however these threads should not be used to discuss specific games. See Rule 2.

2. If you wish to make a thread about a specific game (Whether it be on X-Box to Nintendo), please use the handy dandy, Search button (Image) at the top right hand side of your screen which you can conveniently search the forum for any threads which may have been posted in the past. You are not allowed to make a duplicate thread that already exists.

Now, I'm sure you're wondering,

    But what if I search around to see if the thread on my game exists only to find it locked?
  • If you were to search a thread on a specific game and find that the thread you are looking for is locked, you may start a new one. However, if you find that it isn't locked, please post in it aside from making a new thread.

We hope this new rule will reduce the clutter of this board and if this rule works out, perhaps it'll be installed in the other boards. So have fun and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself or any of the other PPT Moderators on the forum.

Thank you,
- The PPT Moderating Team

Set by Medli

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