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Fighting game communities.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:41 pm

Am I the only member of fighter communities? I'd love to hear about the tournament scenes anyone else is in.

Personally I compete in Super Smash Bros Melee and Guilty Gear XX #Reload tournaments...

So I was wondering if anyone plays fighters competitively? Sadly, being in the UK there are few opportunities for communities, yet in america scenes are fueled by the wealth of decent arcades:/

I'd just like to have more people to chat GGX2R with, really. Oh, and if anyone here is in the UK and happens to want to get into competitive fighting games, just say! The community could always use new players and all that ^^ There's people in many places in the UK, especially in Scotland, so yeah.

Anyone? *prepares for dissapointment*

Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:45 pm

I would definitely play SSBM competitively, but I believe the closest place that holds them is in Chicago, three hours away. The closest there is to competitive gamong around here are gaming shops holding small tournaments.

I would definitely compete, given the chance.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:28 pm

interested in smash? I'll PM you info, I'm not sure but posting hte site might be considered spammy >.>;

Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:49 pm

I would participate in a Soul Calibur 2 Tournament, I'm good :P, but sadly, there are no tournaments near where I live, anywhere.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:31 pm

Yeah, I haven't heard of much in the way if SCII stuff. I personally can't play 3D fighters that well, and much prefer 2D fighters (not that that stops me playing DoA)

Yeah, I could help with most games but I really have heard nothing about Soul Calibur...

Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:25 am

Ohhh... I play a mean Talim, although I am extremely cheap and as the site says I "gimp" and "spam". :P

Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:18 am

Everyone plays a 'mean' talim because even button smashing gives oddly good results with her =P In the same way that everyone plays a 'mean' raphael by spamming I think it's... 6V? Then you work out you can side step.

Hmm, I'm still hoping to find someone who likes GGX2R ^^; It's a wonderful game, as tiers mean nothing due to the amaingly well created system of safeguards in the game mechanics...

Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:48 pm

Kugetsu wrote:Ohhh... I play a mean Talim, although I am extremely cheap and as the site says I "gimp" and "spam". :P

Yah, I am awesome with Talim, but I am not incredibly cheap, I am just good :P

Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:45 pm

Sometimes cheap is good. I use her flip a lot (the directions escape me), my friends hate that. XD

Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:25 pm

Well, I would definately partricipate in an SSBM tournament and since I'm in Scotland you can reccomend some places to me! Weeeee!

I think it's a pity RE4 doesn't have a multiplayer feature. That would just rock.

Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:52 pm

Ixistant wrote:Well, I would definately partricipate in an SSBM tournament and since I'm in Scotland you can reccomend some places to me! Weeeee!

I think it's a pity RE4 doesn't have a multiplayer feature. That would just rock.

Well, you just missed a huge SSBM tournament, called TOAST. It was on the 19th of Feb, and there are currently no others lined up X_x

And guys, there is no cheap. Only broken.

Using a single move over and over and winning - Not cheap. They must suck at the game to not get past that.

Mostly. Yet there are broken things. Like for example, Akuma in super turbo street fighter. He's a character that is actually so incredibly good he can't be beaten.

I'd advise people to read the sirlin.net articles if they want to learn more about competitive gaming, particularly the 'play to win' articles. Yeah.
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