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Mini movie icons?

Sat Jan 15, 2005 9:10 pm

Sorry to bother you all again, but can anyone tell me what programs are capable of making mini movie graphics?

Sat Jan 15, 2005 9:28 pm

Jasc Animation Shop 3 should be capable.

Sat Jan 15, 2005 9:31 pm

Yeah - I would say that - but sometimes you might have to go through it frame by frame which would be annoying if you're 'movie' was complicated....

Sat Jan 15, 2005 10:50 pm

PSP/Animation Shop works just fine, Dawn :)

However, you'll probably need a program such as Virtual Dub too, to get the actual 'movie' part of it. Once LJ's back up, I'll link you to an excellent tutorial I found there.

Sun Jan 16, 2005 2:00 am

you only need an animation program, really

you just need to be good at screenshotting ;)

Sun Jan 16, 2005 4:52 am

My mini-movie icon steps:
Open the file in Virtual Dub
Find the section I want to use
Go frame-by-frame to get to the first frame
Select the first frame as the beginning of the sequence
Go and find the last frame and select it too
Export the frames as bmp files (I have a specific folder in My Documents called "mini" that I always send them to)
I keep the first 2 or 3 frames, and the last 2 or 3, for all the ones inbetween, I only keep every third file (delete two, keep the third, delete the next two, keep the third)
Open each frame in PSP and crop and resize them (make sure the edges are all lined up, so the animation isn't jumpy, if you crop the left 83 pixels off of the first frame, crop the same off of each one)
Make the base for my minimovie icon
Insert the frames into the base one at a time, and paste them into AS
Animate it, if the filesize is huge, I keep optimizing or removing random frames.

Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:40 am

Thanks for that advice, everyone, mods can lock. :)
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