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Anyone know how to do this?

Tue Feb 01, 2005 8:10 pm

Hello, I need to know how to make images that have squares on them?

I'll show an example

Look at that person's guild design.

How did they make it like that?

I like the squares, the sparkles AND I like the way they cut those perfect lines out of the picture.

Is it a specific art program?

I'm using Adobe Photoshop 7.0

Tue Feb 01, 2005 11:28 pm

I know how to do that in The Gimp, I just render a grid.

As for clue.

Tue Feb 01, 2005 11:58 pm

Yep, you need to use your grid feature for the lines.

The sparkles look like they are some kind of brush (if you want ones like it you should probably look for some online).

The lines that are cut from the picture are probably cut outs. Those are done by making that area of the picture transparent. They also used a really subtle border to make it seem clean and finished.

I also use GIMP so I can't tell you where all these things are, but either someone else here can tell you or you can just experiment until you find them!

Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:35 am

Maybe I'll try the GIMP program.

Does that include the sparkly brushes?
(I need to make myself a sparkling banner) ;)

Thanks for the help :)

Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:41 am

I use photoshop 6.0, so it may be a little different, but should be roughly the same.

Click for grid tutorial

... just stop when you need to, unless you want to keep going ^^;

There's a brush in Adobe you can use, it's a preset. Click the brushes button, then you'll see your circle and the little arrow. Click the arrow and a menu'll come down. Select Assorted Brushes (or something like that) and select append if something pops up at you.

You can then "paint" the little guys on. And you can use the transform tool (select the starishthing with the marquee and click ctrl-t) to make it bigger or smaller (shift if you want it proportionate).

And yah... hope that helps.

Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:44 am

Actually, GIMP comes with very few brushes, and I haven't had much luck finding them online either. Most of the time, if I want a brush, I need to make it which can be a very long difficult practice. You're probably better off with what you have because I believe brushes are more readily available for it.

Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:36 am

Oh WOW! Hey thanks a bunch! :D
I made the grid, (it's not exactly how I want it yet, but as I just learned, I'm practicing ;) )

I'll have to check out the paint brushes, I never realized it had more than one :o

(yes I really AM that shocked as I have been doing my best art work using photoshop and never realized all of these neat features) :)
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