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Text outlining

Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:50 pm

I'm trying to teach a friend of mine how to make graphics in photoshop (she has it..-envious-) and neither of us can figure out how to outline text. I found a setmaking guide witha way to do it, but it came out looking really choppy and itonly outlined the outside of the text, not inside (like it didn't do the center of o's, a's, etc.

I think she uses photoshop 7.0, if that helps at all.

Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:02 pm

Stroke. =] Increase that.

Or do what I do... drop shadow the text. :P

Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:03 pm

Mrr? umm...detailed..button clicky intructions, mehbe? Neither of us are that smart. OR that good with photoshop. XD

Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:17 pm

There are two (main) ways to do it:

Way #1
1. Select your text layer.
2. On the bottom left of the layers window (where all the layers are listed), there is a button with an "f" on it. Click this and select "Stroke..."
(alternatively, go to the "Layers" menu, and go "Layer Style > Stroke...")
3. Play with the size, pattern and colour of the outline there. Click OK!

Way #2
1. Select your text layer.
2. Right-click it, and select "Rasterize Layer" (note: if you do this, you won't be able to go back and edit your text).
3. Go to the "Edit" Menu and select "Stroke..."
4. Select your colour and stroke size and click OK

The first way is somewhat preferable, because it is more flexible. You can go back later and change your text, or the colour and size of the stroke... which is good if you're experimenting with different effects :)

Mon Sep 12, 2005 8:21 pm

Another way!

1. Right-click the text layer in the layers pannel.
2. Click 'Blending Options'
3. Click 'Stroke'
4. Tada

Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:55 pm

Hey, thanks y'all! You guys just answered my question on text outlining!

*feels better now*

Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:36 am

Wow, thanks so much! I sent them to Lena and it worked great! Now i have samples from her so I can do it with paint! ^^

Thanks so much!
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