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I have trouble drawing.....

Fri May 19, 2006 8:02 pm

I have trouble drawing people sitting on a chair. It ends up looking like someone is actually standing in front of it. Does anyone have any tips on how to make it like the person that I am drawing actually is sitting down?

Fri May 19, 2006 8:08 pm

If you posted pictures of your art it would be easier to critique. Drawing people sitting in chairs often depends on what angle you want the person to be at. A lot of it also depends on foreshortening. Are you using reference pictures or a model to draw off of, or are you simply drawing from your head?

Fri May 19, 2006 8:15 pm

I will try and get some pictures up, but my scanners broken.

Most of the time the angle is straight on, but sometimes it is angled to the right.

And I normaly draw from my head, though lately my mate has been modelling. (we both want a modeling carrer so we pactise a lot, lol)

Fri May 19, 2006 10:00 pm

Your problem most likely lies in fore shortening then. You've got to remember that our perspective of people changes as their limbs move out. So you're probably making the thighs of your person too long in comparison to the actual view.

Find a good reference picture for someone sitting, and then take a measurement with a ruler to measure from their hip joint to their knee; and then from their knee to their ankle and compare the two. The hip-knee should be shorter (by a considerable bit) in comparison to the knee to ankle.

Take this picture for example. Even if you measure with your fingers you'll realise that foreshortening is taking place because the guys upper to lower leg ration is different. In a standing person they should be roughly the same (though there can be some variation from person to person; and if you're trying to draw anime, there's a lot of variation. *hisses at anime*)

Tue May 23, 2006 4:42 pm

ahoteinrun wrote:Your problem most likely lies in fore shortening then. You've got to remember that our perspective of people changes as their limbs move out. So you're probably making the thighs of your person too long in comparison to the actual view.

Find a good reference picture for someone sitting, and then take a measurement with a ruler to measure from their hip joint to their knee; and then from their knee to their ankle and compare the two. The hip-knee should be shorter (by a considerable bit) in comparison to the knee to ankle.

Take this picture for example. Even if you measure with your fingers you'll realise that foreshortening is taking place because the guys upper to lower leg ration is different. In a standing person they should be roughly the same (though there can be some variation from person to person; and if you're trying to draw anime, there's a lot of variation. *hisses at anime*)

Ok, thamkyou, I shall try that! :hug:
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