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Adding a Link to Banner!

Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:02 am

How do you add a link to a banner? I just made a banner for my screenies and need it to connect to my page.

Re: Adding a Link to Banner!

Mon Jan 22, 2007 7:41 am

evilkitten1020 wrote:How do you add a link to a banner? I just made a banner for my screenies and need it to connect to my page.

I assume you mean HTML? Simply use the following code:

<a><img src="IMAGE URL HERE"></a>

If there is an unpleasant border around the image, and you wish to get rid of it, simply use this code below:

<a><img src="IMAGE URL HERE"></a>

Hmm, for some reason, the link part wont display. Oh well, this page is helpful:

Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:03 pm

Does that code make the banner clickable? Thats what I wanted in HTML sorry if I wasn't clear the first time.

EDIT: Ok i get it now. I posted this before I looked at the site. My bad :)
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