fructy wrote:
...I'm pondering whether I should go for photoshop elements or paint shop X.
Does anyone here use Photoshop Elements? I'd definitely recommend Photoshop over PSP (though I don't know much about their respective prices), but I haven't tried Photoshop Elements before.
This review seems to indicate that it is a cut down version of Photoshop... and most of the features listed that aren't available in Elements aren't critical. I'd be sad to lose these from Photoshop though:
Layer Masks, Layer Comps, and Quick Mask mode - no layer masks?! These are almost essential for more advanced layer effects.. though you can use the lasso tool of course.
Pen tool and paths palette - no vector drawing, which is something that is wonderful to play with
* Text on a path, advanced text formatting
* Advanced Layer Style manipulation - I dunno what this entails, but layer styles are very useful for cool effects
I imagine that "just" getting Elements would be more expensive than PSP, though... so the full version of Photoshop would be another step up.
Another option is that you could buy an old version of Photoshop (say, Photoshop 5 or 7 - they seem the most popular) from Ebay. They're both pretty good versions. Some people buy these old versions, and then buy a upgrade pack to upgrade to CS - apparently it's cheaper.
The Gimp might be worth a shot. I've heard it's pretty good, and it's certainly an upgrade from Paint (it has layers, for one thing). And it's freeee!