about the world of HTS, unbuyables, and supply-and-demand: if an item is HTS, it means the item is hard to sell. An example would be fishing junk like "Rotten left Boot", but people usually mean painted petpets and so on.
Junk items will never be HTS - simply because you can always win them. The underwater fishing game gives them out - so there is an over supply of them, therefore they are worthless. They sell for 1np and unbelievably people do buy them.
HTS are those items that which are in low supply or a new item that has no 'history'.
When new items come out, no-one knows if it is worth the high price so no-one buys them. Once a new item has been valued by users the price will drop or stay accordingly - a toy, book, weapon, food etc can be used and prices are set.
Painted petpets are in the HTS bracket and not supply and demand because they are more of a specialty item. Usually only those with gallerys or a theme going will buy very expensive petpets.
If a painted petpet became an avatar item, then you would get supply and demand prices - because the demand for the item has increased to more than just one small group.