14th December
* If you happen to get hold of one of these new crackers, open it! Some fabulous prizes await you inside.
* crazyzoo19 and Nadezyha have won the latest Site Spotlight and should be rather proud of themselves.
* This week's PPL award has been given to the Wreathy. Well done Whistler, Foofy, Awreatha, woodzfaery, and all the others.
* There's no way anyone in Neopia can beat the Lab Ray Scientist at Korbats Lab! If you think you can, take a shot at this week's Better Than You.
* You can now piant your Wuzzle, Cadro, Deaver, or Chumablah a very nice shade of Snow at the Petpet Puddle.
* If you can't make it to the bakery, never fear. There is a random event that will be giving out cookies for the holiday season!
* A new Lenny Conundrum competition has begun. The answer to last week's was
5. 2131 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves
939 NP each.
* Adorn your desktop with this ogrin Background and be the envy of all the other desktops in the general vicinity.
* YAARRR! That scalawag neodragon_132 plundered the latest Pirate Cave Of The Week with the level
Climbing the Castle.
* Four new sugar cookies are now available in the Bakery. Get 'em while they're hot!