I just went through the first 3 pages of toys in my SDB and priced everything I had more than one of (well, not special/retired items because they're not eligible).
Anything worth less than 100, I donated. Anything worth over 100, I threw in my shop. The big winner: Tyrannian Skeith plushie at 28k. Going to battle in the Tyrannian arena tonight!
Here are my prizes (will edit if I donate more): food: Roast Tentacle, twirly fruit coral lolly (gallery item, yay!), iced bundt cake, organic green grapes, ice milk red tea, strong berry java, lemoran fruit leather socks (gallery, and funny description: the tastiest socks to wear when you put your foot in your mouth are made from fruit leather), watermelon, Fungi Fruit Slorg Slime, Organic Celery, Archaesaurus Tail, Coffee Milkshake, Poogle Spaghetti, Doglecoffee, Twirly Fruit Daisy Lollypop, Lavender Ice Cream, Assorted Gummy Quiggles, Crimson Ham, Snow Slushie, Gravy Smoothie, Banana Blumaroo Waffles, Usuki Iced Cookies, Strawberry Achyfi Lollypop, Can of Pickled Spinach, Speckled Hot Dog, Ugnot, Powdered Green Tea, Lemon Lime Neocola, Marmalade Mince Pie, Mega Neopian Berry Smoothie, Mystery Meat Sandwich, Grey Turnip, Chocolate Meerca Roll, Red Octopepper, Smoked Meridellian Fish, Chocolate Stuffed Pastry, Candy Filled Negg, Vanilla and Chocolate Yurble Cupcake, Jelly Butter, Food Shop Chocolate Charm, Checkered Steak, Pirate Hook Candy Cane, Cheese Xweetok, grooming: hairspray, sunkissed altadorian lip balm, Tyrowbee Powder Puff, Blue Daisy Brush, Symol Soap on a Rope school?: Nimmo Lunchbox, Air Faerie Pen collectable cards: Dreaming, Luperus books: Nimmos (gallery), Moon Missions, News... in... Space!, kougra tales, maniacal meercas, counting potatoes, Gelert Paw Reading, Dont Bug Me, The Big Book of Karma, Xweetok Grooming, Grape Gummy Book, Flaming Scroll, Dark Eyes the Aisha, The Thief Handbook, album: Tyrannian Grarrl Stamp, toys: Toy Sailboat, misc: Faellie Play Pen neohome: Gas Lamp, petpets: Jawshell, Splyke, Kazeriu, wearables: Lutari Archaeologist Boots, Skeith Sweeper Jacket, I Love Selket T-Shirt (UW), Springtime Scorchio Dress, Ruki Work Shirt, Yurble Noil Tamer Trousers, Elegant Blumaroo Jacket, Yurble Artist Brush
Special R90 Edition: ARGH!!!! DONNA STAMP, Negg Faerie Stamp, moach, mootix, Easygoing Xweetok Hairband , Plushie Yurble Chair, Kiko Pilot Suitcase, Cutout Violin, Kadoatie Glue, Yellow Buzzer T-Shirt, Faerie Imprisonment for Fun and Profit , Techo Wanderer Luggage, Professional Curses, Blumaroo General Sword, Faerie Koi Mobile, Vira Ruler, Cake Recipes for All Occasions, Custard Doughnut, Bronze Gong, Futuristic Lutari Diving Helmet, Winter Scorchio Boots, Rebec, Pteri Poetry, Beating Sloth, Leaf-Sewn Tonu Wig, Trendy Acara Collar and Scarf, Tonu Chef Trousers, Grarrl Head Pencil Topper, Snow Trumpet, Spyder Lights, Suave Pteri Shirt, Captain Scarblade Rug, Scorchio Folk Dancer Tambourine, Colourful Male Hissi Dancer Hat, Jelly Fruit Ring, Hover Stove, Eyrie Mountaineer Gloves, Skree, Organ , Korbat Scientist Gown, Catamara Guitar, Water Faerie Sofa
These were mostly in the lower range, but a few were in the 70-79 range. Someone who has donated over 100 items says that they haven't gotten a single duplicate for prizes.
ETA: I've got spares of all 5 of today's items, so give me a shout if you need anything. (For most of them, I've got 100+.) I tossed 10 of each in my shop at moderately inflated prices; I'll adjust when I wake up if they haven't (or have!) sold. Except the apples; those I put on the TP, of course (and I didn't have 10 spares... I held out 2 additional ones in case anyone here needs one). My computer didn't want to wake up today, so I missed out on buying more apples, but I came very close, so waking up for the 3am steals is possible. Just try to buy at the *bottom* of the SW, never mind the prices.
Okay, back to sleep. I put on my trades when I'd be back, but I bet I have hundreds of withdrawn bids anyway.
Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!
Last edited by Siniri on Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:24 am, edited 5 times in total.