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Re: Neopies Year 15

Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:57 am

Battleground: Awakened for best avatar? They didn't win. Thieves, dag nab it. Just for that I voted for Monster Hunting.

ETA: So far, I've only picked 2 of the winners.

Re: Neopies Year 15

Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:28 am

I have only voted 7 times (missed the beginning), so far I have only picked 2 winners from the 4 that have been announced.

Re: Neopies Year 15

Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:15 pm

Uh-oh, I seem to be edging towards popular opinions this year. No, I mean, the crowd has finally realized my good sense and chosen to follow me this year. I've picked 4 of the winners so far, and 2 of the other winners were my toss-up "second" choices (the chomby warrior, which I regretted not voting for as soon as I'd finalized my vote, and the Tyrannia map, which I guess was second place -- I voted randomly because I wasn't too impressed with any of the revamps... I'm waiting for fishing*, SDB, and stock). I think I vote on the news differently than most people (based on how creative it is, not what's in it), because I have never once picked the winner in all the years of the Neopies.

*I know they changed the picture and added items, but I'm waiting for a Grave Danger-like update, where you can change the pet right on the fishing page instead of having to change your active.

Today's item: Earthen wand of stone.

Re: Neopies Year 15

Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:15 pm

Pickles wrote:ETA: Candy Corn Fizzy Drink today.

Hey! Me, too. I almost gagged. IMHO candy corn is gross.

Re: Neopies Year 15

Sat Jan 25, 2014 5:27 pm

Kiko Lake Carpentry Background

I've been with the majority all but 2 times. <shrugs> Lawyerbot Day was totally cooler, and the Inventory revamp has been SO useful (seeing the newest items at the top? Yes, please).

ETA: Bobbleheads and Neopian Cultures today. Apparently I couldn't pick the most popular capsule, either. I'm actually surprised it wasn't the 6th Bday one (though I didn't vote for that one, either), as the Bday ones are usually very popular.

Re: Neopies Year 15

Wed Jan 29, 2014 7:11 am

Best NC Accompaniment? Beats me. That would require me spending NC... 'cmon Expelibox!

ETA: Whooaaah.. I almost missed the Snarkie vote by 50 minutes! I spent too much time playing PPT instead of Neo. Yoikes. Thankfully, I managed to catch up on all voting :)

Re: Neopies Year 15

Wed Jan 29, 2014 1:42 pm

I keep forgetting to vote, it is only this topic that reminds me. :)

Re: Neopies Year 15

Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:14 pm

I just realized that the mysterious forest clearing background wasn't even in contention for best NP wearable. I'm pretty sure it was more popular than Runes of the Obelisk, at the very least.

Re: Neopies Year 15

Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:04 am

Ack, sorry guys. I got behind. Between PPT having been down and me being exhausted. Anyways, first post is finally up to date!

Plushie Kiko Plushie for voting today, wahoo.

ETA: Disco Pteri Plushie today. Only 6 more new categories...

Re: Neopies Year 15

Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:43 pm

Today's was a travesty. How was Tiny not an option? Seriously, a giant robot is hands-down the coolest challenger TNT has made in years. Instead, the Smug Philosopher has to go against the bosses of the other factions?

Re: Neopies Year 15

Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:17 pm

Siniri wrote:Today's was a travesty. How was Tiny not an option? Seriously, a giant robot is hands-down the coolest challenger TNT has made in years. Instead, the Smug Philosopher has to go against the bosses of the other factions?

Maybe so, but Kanrik himself is simply awesome. Battledome or no.
Kanrik! Kanrik! Kanrik! Kanrik! Kanrik! Kanrik! Kanrik! Kanrik! Kanrik! Kanrik!

I still find Lanie and Lillie to be very disturbing.

Re: Neopies Year 15

Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:44 pm

Oh jeez, how long does this voting go for? I keep forgetting to go. I have only picked 6 winners (and have missed a few).

I picked Kanrik as well. No other option really!!

Re: Neopies Year 15

Wed Feb 05, 2014 3:37 pm

Apparently today is the last day of new categories? I thought they were introducing new categories until the 5th, but I guess they meant that's when voting closes on the last one. Ah well.

Rose Lollyswirl, plus the bonus for voting every day on the day. Wahoo.

ETA: All winners have been announced; first post is updated. Tally-ho!

Re: Neopies Year 15

Wed Feb 05, 2014 5:05 pm

I voted for 9 of the winners, about half. Meh. Sometimes it's nice to see what's happened in the past year, but I think I'd care more if the votes were more about things I cared about (and also had links so that you could actually see what you're voting for, e.g., the AC ones, I didn't remember most of the animations, and was too lazy to hunt them out myself).
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