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Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Sun Oct 16, 2016 10:27 pm

Young x Stripe
Goo x Squire
Goo x Squire x Buck
Goo x Capn x Buck
Goo x Stripe x (Fair, Luck)
Goo x Stripe x Buck x (All in HC)

Meh. Not feelin' it today.

ETA: Apparently I should've been feelin' it. Hah! 72:10!! Looks like Siniri got an additional 16:10 on top of that!

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Mon Oct 17, 2016 11:18 am

Yep, 88:10, and finally guaranteed profitable for the month. Woot! Glad the pirates finally behaved for once...

P(12:10-42:10): 80%
EV: 1.30-1.70

Ned x (HH - Puff)
Buck x (Ed, Young)
Buck x (Scurvy, Goo; TI - Stuff)

Meh. Decent chance for a reasonable win, but there's also a decent chance for mediocrity.

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:22 pm

Ned x (Ed, Young, Fran)
Buck x (Ed, Young)
Buck x (Orvinn, Scurvy Goo; Peg, Black) x Fran

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:40 pm

Oops, I messed up posting my bets today. That last row was supposed to be x Fran, not that it mattered...

42:10, woot! Back to averaging over double my money for the month - double woot!

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:47 pm

Also 42:10. Finally broke even for the month!
Mr. P is back to making bets off of his system (he took a break from it for a few days). Yesterday he only got an 8:10, but today, he nailed things: 126:10!

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Tue Oct 18, 2016 5:03 pm

P(16:10-56:10): 67%
EV: 1.90-2.35

(Buck, Fran) x Goo x (Fed, Scurvy)
Buck x Goo x (all in HC) x Scurvy
Buck x Puff x Scurvy
Buck x Goo x Tail

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:43 am

Slightly modified; taking a few bets from further down, and adding the Fran safety. Leaving out the Lagoon boosters in the interest of better upset coverage.

Buck x Goo x (All in HC) x Scurvy
Buck x Goo x (Tail, Fed)
Buck x (Bonnie, Puff) x Scurvy
Fran x Goo x Scurvy
Buck x Puff x Fed

ETA: Bust. Fran AND Peg! Ugh!

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:03 pm

Yeah, I covered a double upset with Fran, but not in TI - and anyway, I didn't cover Pegleg at all. If Mr. P did, I really want to know his system!

Hopefully tomorrow is better.

New day, new bets:
P(8:10-72:10): 64%
EV: 1.43-2.21

Goo x (Ned, Fed) x Fran
Goo x (all in Lagoon) x Scurvy
Buck x Fed x (Fran, Scurvy)
Goo x Fed x (Stripe, Peg) x Scurvy

Blargh. Never mind 11 bets; I needed like 15 to cover everything I wanted to. Here's hoping I get lucky.

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:56 pm

Heh, no, Mr. P didn't.

Bleh. Fairly confident in Goo, but including a few Buck covers.
Not as diverse as I'd like, but I'm covering all the bases, since Fed is actually trending unusually low today.

Goo x (all in Lagoon) x (Scurvy)
Goo x (Lagoon - Black) x Fran
Buck x (Ned, Fed, Luck) x Scurvy

ETA: Busted. Fair AND Black? Seriously? Sigh.

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:34 am

I covered Black, but Fair is the second true-13 in a row to beat Goo. Ugh.

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Thu Oct 20, 2016 6:44 pm

Bleh. Today's look pretty bad. I'd almost like to 10-bet Goo, but I hate here we go.

Bonnie x Black
Goo x Black x (Buck; Fran; Stripe)
Goo x (Ed, Orvinn)
Goo x Scurvy x (All in HH)

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Fri Oct 21, 2016 12:24 am

P(14:10-24:10): 78%
EV: 1.28-1.60 (with a 0.87 on Luck due to a hopefully temporary odds shift)

Goo x (SW - Stuff, HC - Capn, HH)

Nearly forgot to bet! Mostly sunny with a large chance of mediocrity (as long as Goo's losing streak is finally over). I 10-bet because that's what my system said to do...

Edit: Won 16:10. Mediocrity reigned, but it beats busting.

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Fri Oct 21, 2016 9:18 pm

16:10 as well...but on one bet instead of 3. Ironic that we ended up with the same result from completely different methods!

Last minute bets:
Stripe x Goo x Scurvy
Stripe x Goo x Scurvy x Fran
Fed x Goo x Luck
Fed x Goo x Scurvy x (Fran, Tail, Bonnie)
Fed x Goo x Luck x Fran
Goo x Scurvy x (Fran, Stuff)
Fed x Scurvy x Fran

Didn't have much time to consider, mostly just followed the system and left out the TI bets.

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Fri Oct 21, 2016 10:00 pm

Sick all day from food poisoning. Betting blind; recommend not to follow.

(Fed, Buck) x Goo x (Scurvy, Luck)
Stripe x Goo x Scurvy
Goo x (Fed, Stripe; Scurvy, Luck)
Fed x Scurvy

Edit: Captain, my Captain! I shouldn't have forced myself so hard to get my bets in. Bust thanks to another 13:1 winner. *sigh*

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Sat Oct 22, 2016 4:26 pm

Also a bust, for the same reason. Also shouldn't have tried so hard to force in last minute bets. Ah well.

Stuff x Scurvy
Goo x Ed
Goo x Scurvy x (All in SW; All in HC)
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