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Re: Neopets Gloats and Cries [Split 1]

Wed May 01, 2013 7:41 am

I have paperwork all filled out for my new home! And I don't even live there yet! Yeah...need to schedule that moving van fairly soon, because I don't like driving 2 hours a day just so I can sleep in a proper bed. :roll:

Re: Neopets Gloats and Cries [Split 1]

Wed May 01, 2013 12:49 pm

Congrats on the new home, Jacob! Hope you get to move in soon.

Re: Neopets Gloats and Cries [Split 1]

Wed May 01, 2013 1:02 pm

I second the congrats!! Congratulations! That's great :D

Re: Neopets Gloats and Cries [Split 1]

Tue May 07, 2013 6:29 pm

And the Seekers were defeated. Likely because I didn't participate much. Will walk into a corner now. :cry:

Re: Neopets Gloats and Cries [Split 1]

Mon May 20, 2013 9:12 pm

An Alien Aisha gives you a Basic Golden Nerkmid!!!

...that would've been so much cooler if they weren't given away so much lately that they've fallen in price. Though...seeing as I'm contributing to that fall by fighting in the premium dome for my drops...I guess I can't complain too much. ;)

Re: Neopets Gloats and Cries [Split 1]

Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:49 am

I think Fyora Day is my new favorite Neopian holiday. I got a Fyora quest yesterday (14k), then an air faerie (just a few hundred), and just now, a battle faerie (7k). Three random quests in less than 24 hours (2 of them special faeries, no less), when I haven't gotten one in months! Fifteen trainings from the 700 boost for strength and defense (including the required levels). I think I'll make it by the next Obelisk skirmish, for sure!

ETA: Realized I forgot to do my dailies today. While refreshing at Skarl, I got a fire quest for 8k. Getting even closer! 11 stats to go...

Re: Neopets Gloats and Cries [Split 1]

Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:42 pm

Gloat: Consistent training has bumped me up to the next codestone bracket.
Cry: Red Codestones started going up in price and haven't gone back down (people stopped daily battling for the AC). Cost me 1.46 million to restock 20 of each. Ouch. I'm not actually sure if I can even break even on a daily basis now, ugh.

ETA: Stumbled across a 1np shop while pricing my own shop. Got a LOT of stuff worth more than one np! (and promptly changed my p/w just to be safe, though the shop coding seemed OK.)

Re: Neopets Gloats and Cries [Split 1]

Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:15 pm

Pickles wrote:Gloat: Consistent training has bumped me up to the next codestone bracket.
Cry: Red Codestones started going up in price and haven't gone back down (people stopped daily battling for the AC).

I also bumped up to the next bracket - 5 red codies. I am only training HP, but have to do 1 level per 3 Hp. Had to cancel my training course, as it wanted 3 red codies (an 2 others), and no way was I going to pay 30K per Zed (not when they are using around 10K).

Laoran is now at 1802HP. So I may just wait until the red codies drop again. I am really only training for something to do, as without HP increases in the battledome, his HP is a moot point now.

Re: Neopets Gloats and Cries [Split 1]

Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:08 pm

Daze wrote:
Pickles wrote:Gloat: Consistent training has bumped me up to the next codestone bracket.
Cry: Red Codestones started going up in price and haven't gone back down (people stopped daily battling for the AC).

I also bumped up to the next bracket - 5 red codies. I am only training HP, but have to do 1 level per 3 Hp. Had to cancel my training course, as it wanted 3 red codies (an 2 others), and no way was I going to pay 30K per Zed (not when they are using around 10K).

Laoran is now at 1802HP. So I may just wait until the red codies drop again. I am really only training for something to do, as without HP increases in the battledome, his HP is a moot point now.
Ouch. When I restocked, they were at 22k each. Crazy how fast they're going up.
I just broke into the 4 red codestone bracket not too long ago - only training HP as well (and of course level) - so it's not *as* bad as yours but still, the sudden increase in cost stinks. I'm also starting to wonder if continuing to train is worth it at this point. I mean, I've hit the 500 level, so I can (if I want to) get all the different ability levels, and having over 1500HP is nothing to sneeze at, I don't think. Might'swell continue for now, as I've got a reasonable stockpile (and, knock on wood, it's only asked me for 1 Zed in the last several trainings, which compared to the fact that I ran out of it first last time around...yeah.)

ETA: I was griping to Mr. P just yesterday about how I thought I missed LDSC hitting 60 (it was down at 52 and had opened at 58)...and when I went to check stocks, it was at 78! Shame I only had 1k of it, but still, hello extra 18k!

Re: Neopets Gloats and Cries [Split 1]

Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:12 pm

Gloat: Thanks to a stock sale (I sold 25% of my LDSC at 81) and some recent Food Club victories, I hit a new million mark in the bank -- which will be gone on Wed. if I remember to pick up a Gbomb in the HT.

Cry: Sadly, I got greedy and now LDSC has slipped below my new sellpoint (74 -- I set individual sellpoints for each stock based on historic highs); if it rises again, I'll sell the rest off. I don't think trying to time the market's peak works with this new sell-at-historic-highs strategy because they get very volatile when they're up so high (losing 10 points in an hour and a half).

I'm not crying over red codestone prices; I've just slowed down my training to only use what I get myself, or to occasionally buy if I win big somewhere. I only have one more boost to go, anyway, and I can beat nearly all the 1p opponents on mighty already (and will be able to 1-hit Obelisk bosses with the Gbomb), so I'm not really in any rush. I'd rather focus on other goals.

Oh, I forgot my biggest gloat! I finally organized my gallery. Now I just need to prettify (anyone have a good guide for what's allowed in NeoHTML? I've taken Codecademy courses in html and CSS, but I know TNT has all kinds of restrictions -- I want to do it myself, not just borrow someone else's code, so I can submit for the spotlight).

ETA: LDSC hit 74 again, so I sold the rest. Made over 1.2M. My bank account is the highest it's ever been.

Re: Neopets Gloats and Cries [Split 1]

Tue Jun 18, 2013 2:39 am

Siniri wrote:Oh, I forgot my biggest gloat! I finally organized my gallery. Now I just need to prettify (anyone have a good guide for what's allowed in NeoHTML? I've taken Codecademy courses in html and CSS, but I know TNT has all kinds of restrictions -- I want to do it myself, not just borrow someone else's code, so I can submit for the spotlight).
CSS Guide is a pretty good guide of what's allowed and what isn't. From my adventures running a pet page, I haven't really ran into any problems of what is and isn't allowed. Pretty much all HTML and CSS is allowed except for a few things mentioned on that page. Just be careful of the next web filter update - there hasn't been on one in a while and it might make all your work void.

Re: Neopets Gloats and Cries [Split 1]

Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:01 am

domo_hello_kitty wrote:
Siniri wrote:Oh, I forgot my biggest gloat! I finally organized my gallery. Now I just need to prettify (anyone have a good guide for what's allowed in NeoHTML? I've taken Codecademy courses in html and CSS, but I know TNT has all kinds of restrictions -- I want to do it myself, not just borrow someone else's code, so I can submit for the spotlight).
CSS Guide is a pretty good guide of what's allowed and what isn't. From my adventures running a pet page, I haven't really ran into any problems of what is and isn't allowed. Pretty much all HTML and CSS is allowed except for a few things mentioned on that page. Just be careful of the next web filter update - there hasn't been on one in a while and it might make all your work void.
Thanks, that's just the kind of page I was looking for!

Another gloat: hit rank 15 in the AC today. 5 to go to All Star. I think I might actually make it!

Re: Neopets Gloats and Cries [Split 1]

Thu Jun 27, 2013 6:26 pm

Gloat: Finally got my bank account back up to where I want it to be!
Gloat: My battle pet is now maxed out on the strength boost, woot! Now just gotta bring Defence up with...

Re: Neopets Gloats and Cries [Split 1]

Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:07 pm

I picked up my first NC item from the Money Tree today. Granted, they were only spotted print glasses, but still... I wish they'd put some NC gift boxes on the money tree, too, for those of us whose sole source of NC is free stuff.

Re: Neopets Gloats and Cries [Split 1]

Fri Jun 28, 2013 5:19 pm

It feels good to know my shop is finally self supporting with only a little maintenance. :evil:
But I haven't spoken with any of my Neofriends in almost 2 months... :cry:
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