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Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:35 pm

Slightly riskier set, but Ed is showing up high today. If Goo x Buck wins, I won't win as much as Siniri's set will...but...I'm going with it.

Fed x (Buck, Ed)
Goo x (All in HC) x (Buck, Ed)

ETA: Busted due to the double 13:1 upsets...

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Sun Nov 13, 2016 6:20 pm

Also busted.

P(12:10-20:10): 79%
EV: 1.05-1.42

Goo x (Buck, Scurvy; Ed, Tail; all in HC)
Luck x (Buck, Scurvy)

High P of mediocrity.

So far, this has been quite a NOvember. *sigh*

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Mon Nov 14, 2016 1:34 am

Somewhat blindly following today, with a couple of safeties:
(Buck, Scurvy) x (Goo, Luck)
(Buck, Scurvy) x Goo x (Puff, Orvinn)
Goo x Puff

ETA: DAQ isn't updating the odds. Just noticed that before starting bets, and reconsidered things:

(Black; Capn) x (Goo, Luck)
(Buck, Scurvy) x Goo x Capn
(Buck, Scurvy) x Luck
Goo x (Puff, Orvinn)

ETA2: 14:10 on Buck x Luck. Clearly the added Luck bets were the right way to go...I just picked the wrong ones. Ah well! Still came out positive for the day!

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Mon Nov 14, 2016 2:34 am

Yeah, Daq is updating irregularly (though they are often slightly off - I think they usually update about every 15 or 30 minutes).

I also got 14:10. Too bad you didn't pick the two long shots in HC instead of splitting across arenas; that would have been a nice win!

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Mon Nov 14, 2016 6:21 pm

DAQ used to update almost right on the half hour...and was fairly, I'm not sure if/when it's updating at all.

Mostly following straight today, but including a stuff safety instead of the straight Buck x Goo

(Buck, Scurvy) x Fran
Scurvy x Goo
(All in Shipwreck; Squire, Orvinn) x Buck x Goo
Fair x Buck x Fran

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:03 am

P(12:10-60:10): 81%
EV: 1.65-1.92

(Buck, Scurvy) x (Goo, Fran)
(SW - Stuff; TI - Peg) x Buck x Goo

Approximately 1/3 chance of a small (<20:10) win, 1/3 chance of 20:10, and 1/6 chance of good win (>40:10).

...And the smallest win won. *sigh* At least it's a win, right?

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Tue Nov 15, 2016 3:42 am

Same here. 12:10
I'm kicking myself a bit because the *next* bet on my list was Orvinn x Buck x Fran. Ah well.

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Tue Nov 15, 2016 6:10 pm

Gambit: Fed Luck Buck Fair Goo
no hold
P(16:10-104:10): 65%
EV: 2.26-2.79

Fran x Buck x Goo x (Fed; all in HC)
(Luck, Fran) x (Buck, Ed) x Goo
Stripe x Buck x Goo

Today looks promising... Let's just hope Neopets gives us a nice birthday present.

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Tue Nov 15, 2016 11:03 pm

Almost identical to Siniri's, but with a couple minor changes.

Fran x Buck x Goo x ( all in HC)
Fran x Buck x Tail
Fran x Ed x Goo
Luck x (Buck, Ed) x Goo
Stripe x Buck x Goo
Stripe x Ed

ETA: 24:10

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:10 pm

I also got 24:10

P(8:10-42:10): 93%
EV: 1.05-1.38

Goo x (TI - Squire; all in HC)
Scurvy x (Stripe, Buck)

I skipped the non-13 HH boosters for the similar-EV HC boosters. If you wanted to go riskier, you could skip the Luck and Scurvy safeties and 10-bet Goo (with TI - Squire, HH - Capn, and all in HC). Regardless, the overall P(mediocrity) is high.

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:44 pm

Meh. Today looks pretty dull. Ended up with the same set as Siniri.

ETA: Double Meh. 4:10.

Today's set looks equally meh.

Ed x Tail
Buck x (Scurvy, Luck)
Buck x Tail x (All in HC; Ned, Orvinn, Black)

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Thu Nov 17, 2016 11:06 pm

Also 4:10 yesterday thanks to a 13:1 upset in the booster arena (I covered a 12:1 - why couldn't he have won instead? Grr...)

P(12:10-90:10): 67%
EV: 1.30-2.05

Buck x (Tail, Scurvy)
Ed x Tail
(Goo; Ned) x (Buck, Ed) x Tail
Buck x Tail x Black
Goo x Buck x Tail x (Ned, Black)

I have a reasonable shot of winning something, so I'm going a bit riskier/unorthodox today. Hoping it pays off.

Edit: Well, it would have paid off at either 36:10 or 90:10, but once again NOvember told me NO with another 13:1 upset. *sigh*

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Fri Nov 18, 2016 7:05 pm

New day, new bets. Hopefully it's better than yesterday (it can't be any worse, right?).

P(20:10-36:10): 68%
EV: 1.74-2.11

Buck x (Fed, Scurvy)
(all in Lagoon) x Buck x Fed
(Fran, Goo) x Buck x (Fed, Scurvy)

A 2/3 chance of doubling my money (or better)? Yes, please! Let's just hope it actually works today...

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Sat Nov 19, 2016 1:41 am

Not sold on Buck today....and since it's's my set:

(Black, Orvinn) x Fed
(Buck, Black) x Scurvy
Buck x Fed x (All in Lagoon; Fran, Goo)

ETA: 45:10 on the Black x Scurvy. Shame Scurvy went back down to a 5 before closing, but I'm not complaining! I'll take actually nailing a double upset anytime!

Because I probably won't have time tomorrow, I'm going to have to put in bets tonight, so here's my set:

(Orvinn, Stripe, Capn) x Goo x Tail
Bonnie x (Scurvy, Ned) x Tail
Bonnie x Goo x (Luck, Puff)
Bonnie x Goo x Tail x (Fran, Fed, Buck)

Re: Food Club [Split 1]

Sat Nov 19, 2016 11:06 pm

Busted. The Black single safety was bet 27 on my list, and he actually looked pretty weak, too... *sigh* Oh, well. Even if I'd covered the single safety, it's unlikely I'd have covered the double.

New bets:
P(8:10-88:10): 64%
EV: 1.58-2.06

Bonnie x (Goo, Ned, Scurvy) x Tail
(Capn, Stripe) x Goo x Tail
Bonnie x Goo x (Fed, Buck)
Bonnie x Goo x Tail x (Fran, Fed, Buck)

Edit: 32:10, woot! I added those Tail-less boosters as a hedge against Tail getting upset, since safeties in that arena had such low EV, and it paid off.
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