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Trick or Treating locations from past years

Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:25 am

I am trying to put together a list of the locations that handed out the trick or treat bags. Any assistance in adding to/correcting my list would be much appreciated.

Trick or Treat bag (2003)

Halloween Goodie Bag: (2004)
1. Island Mystic
2. Deserted Fairgrounds Scratchcards
3. Tyrammet Village (tyrannian village)
4. Jhudora's Cloud

Ghosty Trick or Treat Bag (2005)
1. Tyrannian Village
2. Island Mystic
3. kreludan Moon Mining Corp
4. Haunted Scratchcards
5. Sumuggler's Cove
6. Jhudora's Cloud

ooh, i forgot about them

Fri Oct 20, 2006 11:11 am

Wow, i forgot about them.

What with those goodie bags and the advent calendar coming out pretty soon, we are going to do pretty well.
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