* Disco and Grey Pteris seem to be emerging from the Rainbow Pool!
* Well done, mekkiepekkie! You have just won the latest User Lookup of the Week with your Faerie Pteri design.
* These new garden items from the Garden Centre would make the perfect decoration for any Pteri lovers Neogarden.
* liktra should be super happy today, their Pteri inspired gallery has just won this week's Gallery Spotlight award.
* Impress your chat buddies with one of these fancy new Pteri Buddy Icons.
* As always, Cap'n Threelegs celebrates by offering free training to all Pteris on their special day.
* Fill your stomach during all of this celebrating with these delicious Pteri-themed foods from the Food Shop.
* There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was Haunted Marketplace. 258 people guessed correctly, earning them 7,752 NP each.
* There is a new Pteri avatar just waiting to be found.
* There are some new Pteri-themed Poems for you to look at in the gallery.
* Some new Pteri-themed Fun Images are here just for you!
* This week's Meridell Castle Spotlight award has been given to tamakids2 for their level - Spike Trap.
* The Art Gallery has a very impressive display of Pteri art for you to enjoy.