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Erf . . . should I detatch?

Wed Apr 11, 2007 9:07 am

The petpets I have I attatched long ago when I was fairly poor . . . painted them and all, but . . . I've been thinking of getting different ones. Especially since I'm going to be repainting TriasKhan . . . Problem is, I don't mind so much about taking off the ones on the rest of them (wish I could get my Gwalla from my side account, I love those things) . . . but Trias's Gruslen is really, really aged. I highly doubt, regardless of what color I paint her, they'll do that as the petpet of the week. But still, I'll be really upset if they do and I end up losing out on the payout.

What would you do? Detatch . . . or?

Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:40 am

Yeah detach I'd say. You obviously don't want the petpets there so the chances of the PPL are slim, and probably won't even happen :P

Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:55 am

if you want a new petpet, get a new petpet :) like said above, chances are slim.. even if it happens, oh well, you'll have new petpets that you love :)

Wed Apr 11, 2007 4:26 pm

If you're worried about your chance of winning PPL, first I'd suggest checking out a list of the petpets that have already won as TNT doesn't allow petpets to win twice anymore.

Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:23 pm

Varii's right, if you've got an unpainted gruslen you're out of luck for the PPL, it won week 43.

I agree, get new petpets if you're not happy with the old ones.

Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:02 am

The gruslen is painted; it's just that she's aged.

Would think she'd look cute with my Tyrannian Lupe if I made her a mutant, though . . . and awesome, Gwalla won before, but that's on my side account that I can't access. *sigh* I need to start writing my user info down for my accounts somewhere.

And awesome, I can detatch Ryvendelle's petpet because it's already been given the feature . . . Ashtaina's too, but I actually like it, so it can stay.

YES! Time for a petpet buying spree. ;)
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