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Cheapest way to change pet's gender

Tue Apr 17, 2007 7:03 pm

I know that the strange potion can do the job, and that the lab scientist can Zap you in the battledome, but since the pet in question wants to become a royal boy and I already bought her a gallion I don't want to spend a whole lot more on her! Is there any cheaper way?

I've had her for almost five years now and can't bear to pound her and adopt/create a boy. If the cheapest way is getting the lab map and then battling the scientist, am I better off buy all the parts as a set or individually?

Thanks in advance for the advice!

Tue Apr 17, 2007 7:20 pm

Better to buy individually - there's a slight premium for hte set, if I recall correctly. You'll have to do some shopping, though, since all nine pieces have the same name.

And, anyway, yeah - lab scientist is the best way to go. If it's a boy and you want a girl, you can hit him with a cape of the sun, but I don't think there's a similar item for the other direction other than strange potion.
Last edited by shapu on Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Apr 17, 2007 7:25 pm

Personally, I think its best to buy the lab in full. They go for about 600k. I bought mine for 500k

Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:06 pm

Why not ask a friend or someone who already has the lab to switch her gender for you? It's an awful waste to spend all that np if you're only interested in a gender change.

Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:18 pm

Did you already paint her? Royal pets don't change with gender.

In the Neopian Times Editorial, they wrote:Basically, Royal Boy and Royal Girl are considered two separate colours by our system. Like Mallow and Halloween, or Grey and Split. If you have a Mallow Neopet and it changes gender, the colour isn't affected. The same is true if you had a Royal Boy and your Neopet was somehow changed to female. It would still remain the colour "Royal Boy" regardless of its gender.

If you have a royal Neopet with opposite gender and image, there are two ways to go. One, you could challenge the Lab Ray scientist in the Battledome and hope his attack will shift your Neopet to the correct gender for the image. Or, you can buy another royal paint brush and repaint your Neopet to change the image. Although, there's nothing wrong with leaving it as is, either. ... &issue=278

Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:29 am

I was goin to point out that the royal brush color doesnt change if you chagne there gender after the fact.

But also if your pet is the correct species you are running risk of them changing once you zap them into something else personaly i dont think that's the best way to go about it... I know there is another way and it was mentioned before here on the boards..... maybe search or i will right now actualy i have nothing better to do heh

*edit* ... 86&start=0

Wich states there is the cape of the sun wich will change a male to female

I remember seeing a petpage on this at some point too but I can't seem to find it in threads now :/

Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:38 am

Yes, I meant cape of the sun rather than turnip tonic. Not really sure what went wrong in my head there...

Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:16 am

Buy a cape of the sun and battle boochi. I did it to change my kougra's gender, cost about 50k or so.

Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:19 am

It doesn't matter who you choose to battle with the Cape of the Sun, and it definitely doesn't cost 50K. I bought one about a month ago for a little over 1000 NP I believe.

Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:31 am

well, this was two or three months ago, but maybe I did the worst shopwizard ever. (And I got the boochi thing of the neoboards, maybe they just told me boochi because he's easy to fight?) regardless, it's easier and cheaper and more predictable than the lab.

EDIT: I don't have ssw, but on the regular one they're about 20 k right now. I distinctly remember paying around 50k though because I wanted to get rid of it fast so I sold it for 40k and got the profit within a day or so.

Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:51 am

Cape of the Sun only changes male to female. She wants female to male. No good.

Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:39 pm

Just be careful if you use the Cape of the Sun route. I've been trying to change my male pet's gender back to female, and the cape doesn't seem to wanna work for me. :/

Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:31 pm

Rubywinged wrote:But also if your pet is the correct species you are running risk of them changing once you zap them into something else personaly i dont think that's the best way to go about it...

Assuming that you have less than 4 pets, the way around the aforementioned problem would be adopting a stray pet, then pounding it after you got the lab scientist as a challenger.

Machiito wrote:Just be careful if you use the Cape of the Sun route. I've been trying to change my male pet's gender back to female, and the cape doesn't seem to wanna work for me. :/

That should be the norm.*prods the post before yours*

Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:02 pm

IIRC, you don't need to actually zap the pet to get the scientist as a challenger, just refresh on the "select a pet" page.

If you know someone you trust who has the scientist as a challenger, sending her over there for a fight would be much cheaper though.

Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:57 pm

Machiito wrote:Just be careful if you use the Cape of the Sun route. I've been trying to change my male pet's gender back to female, and the cape doesn't seem to wanna work for me. :/

Your pet's intelligence might not be high enough.
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