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just a shot in the dark

Mon Dec 24, 2007 5:20 am

delete this thread when i find out information if something is wrong

if i paint my mutant hissi sketchy... how will it turn out? or will just be a sketch hissi without 2 heads....

can i paint my hissi that color in the first place?

Re: just a shot in the dark

Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:56 am

Hissi's can't be painted sketch. However, if you were to paint your Hissi any other colour, it would lose its second head and look like the normal colour.

For example, if you painted your mutant Hissi orange, it would end up looking like this:


Re: just a shot in the dark

Mon Dec 24, 2007 8:08 am

aw that sucks, dont you wish you can do that with your pet though? like i have a baby aisha, its soo cuteeee *meeahh* and i want to paint it like.. faerie.. and have a fairie baby aisha.. WOULDNT THAT BE AWESOME! YEHHH *austin power self acceptance expression*

Re: just a shot in the dark

Tue Jan 01, 2008 7:39 pm

Austin power > you.
Sorry for off-topic.

Re: just a shot in the dark

Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:41 pm

your right, all hell the britishy ninny

Re: just a shot in the dark

Fri Jan 04, 2008 6:38 pm

Tsukasahminaki wrote:aw that sucks, dont you wish you can do that with your pet though? like i have a baby aisha, its soo cuteeee *meeahh* and i want to paint it like.. faerie.. and have a fairie baby aisha.. WOULDNT THAT BE AWESOME! YEHHH *austin power self acceptance expression*

You can do *some* double painting. For instance, my lab rat is a Island-Halloween Tuskanniny. She was zapped Island, I removed the Island clothing, then she was zapped Halloween (losing the Island color, but the clothes were still in the closet), so I added the Island clothing back on.
Unfortunately, the Baby and Mutant pets can't wear most clothing items at this time, and Faerie wings are usually not removable (I know they're not for at least the Uni and Cybunny).

Re: just a shot in the dark

Fri Jan 04, 2008 7:32 pm


you people and your lab rays

Re: just a shot in the dark

Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:01 pm

Tsukasahminaki wrote:you people and your lab rays

Well, it can be done with p/b's too. I was just using that as an example. :D

I think a baby faerie Aisha would be awesome though! Shame we'll probably never see that day, though. :cry:

Re: just a shot in the dark

Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:22 pm

i knuwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, i love my milkshakes so much, BUT SHE HAS TO HAVE WINGS!

personally i took the binki off, i didnt like it, and i dont like the new look

is there anyway i can switch it back to the old way it looked?

Re: just a shot in the dark

Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:09 pm

Tsukasahminaki wrote:is there anyway i can switch it back to the old way it looked?

Unfortunately, no, they cannot be reverted. TNT made that quite clear when they switched over - and made it quite clear they had no intention of letting anyone revert.
Some pets were allowed to stay as they were (IE, the Faerie Pteri, Royal Kougra, etc) if the owner so chose, because TNT decided they were too significantly different in the new form. If you had one of these pets prior to the customization, you could choose to keep them in the old style, or convert them to the new style, but it's not possible to get old-style pets anymore.

Re: just a shot in the dark

Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:36 pm

aw :(

you know what i think i had the option to leave me aisha the old way, but i selected the new way cause i was curious, cause i didnt get a picture of what the new way looked..

Re: just a shot in the dark

Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:00 pm

On my Darigan Lupe it says
Convert this Neopet!
Click here to learn more!
which takes you to
Pet Name
...will become...
Ooh, new artwork? How exciting!

This Neopet is eligible for conversion. REMEMBER, THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE!

And then the
Convert my Neopet!

If you didn't get that then it probably auto changed.

Re: just a shot in the dark

Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:05 pm

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