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Lab Ray & Clothes Question

Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:49 am

If my pet is wearing clothing and the lab ray changes it to another species or color do I keep the clothing it was wearing? Is it different for clothes that are paint brush only vs clothes that I can buy? Thank you. zoro

Re: Lab Ray & Clothes Question

Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:02 pm

Paint Brush clothes stay on pet if that pet can wear them, if the pet is zapped into a different species then the clothes will go into the closet (and then can be worn by any pet of that species).

* Buyable clothes that cannot be worn by a certain species will go back into closet, but you are free to remove them.

* Buyable clothes that are wearable on the species, that the pet got zapped into, will stay on pet.

So basically, if the pet can wear the item it will stay on the pet after being zapped, but if the clothes cannot be worn by that pet, then they get returned to the closet.
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