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Non-Flash Game Trophies

Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:18 am

I have 6 Flash game trophies, but since trophies are now given out at 10.55pm (instead of 4.45 am), I have given up on earning any more Flash game trophies. Hence, I am trying to get trophies from non-Flash games.

Currently, I have the following non-Flash game trophies:

Cheat! CHAMPION!!!
Beating Punchbag Bob CHAMPION!!!
Third place at Invasion of Meridell!!

I know Cellblock, Go! Go! Go! and Snow Wars give trophies and am aiming to get those.

Care to recommend other non-Flash games which give (fairly easy) trophies?

Re: Non-Flash Game Trophies

Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:29 am

There's also Sakhmet Solitaire :)

Re: Non-Flash Game Trophies

Wed Feb 06, 2008 4:13 pm

Defenders of Neopia, both series, give trophies, and they're fairly easy to get even if they're not so easy to upgrade.
I have a Pyramid Bonus trophy, which I think can be gotten simply by playing a lot.
There are also trophies for Neoquest, which take time but aren't that difficult to acquire.

Re: Non-Flash Game Trophies

Thu Feb 07, 2008 1:46 pm

Currently, I am level 41 in NeoQuest I and level 25 in NeoQuest II. I also have both Defenders of Neopia trophies, but thanks for recommending them anyway!

How do I earn the Sakhmet Solitaire and Pyramid Bonus trophies?

Re: Non-Flash Game Trophies

Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:11 pm

PPT has a guide for this already :D

I used this guide ages ago, I should get back to it. There are still some that I don't have.
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