These aren't all recent, but they're good things that have happened to me lately
The Robot zapper thing plot prize is more than I could ever ask for! I've been zapping my lab pet for 4 years hoping to get robot, and no luck! And since it's only possible for one zapper per player, robots' uniquness won't go down!
I can't decide if I should turn my pet robot now, keep labbing until I get the species I want, or to keep labbing to get the stats I want.
Bought a Ylanas Blaster, 12.63 icons, for 705k!
Can't decide if I should get a second, and the prices are rising fast.
Got Megasuperb in Daily Dare!
This one isn't "mine" but...
Got my mom into Neo about 3 weeks ago, she caught the tail end of the plot and DD and has earned over 100k np due to plot prizes and the earnings from DD (not prizes, just np for playing the games). She finished DD in the 4th tier, beating Abigail eventually in everything. She also now loves Faerie Bubbles lol