For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Apr 27, 2008 7:18 pm
Mk, hopefully this is in the right place. So games just changed their np ratio for this month and it seems like all of my favorite games are now hardly worth playing for how little np they give out.
Right now my favorites list includes Bouncy Supreme, Defender Trainer, Dubloon Disaster, Faerie Cloud Racers, Kass Basher, Kiko Match II, Lost in Space Fungus, Meerca Chase II, Mootix Drop, Splat-A-Sloth, Wingoball. These are the games that I play to meet my daily neopoint quota (25k a day).
I was just wondering what you games you guys were playing that pay out well this month.
Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:15 am
I don't play much games anymore, so I mostly focus on the games that have the best NP payout in terms of points and difficulty. There's a petpage that keeps track of the new ratio's every month: (might take a couple days to update, although April was really fast
I still play a couple of my favourites, Kass Basher, Shenkuu Warrior and Crisis Courier (the last one has actually become attractive to play again), but besides that, the only one that's worth playing this month (compared to last month) for me is Maths Nightmare.
Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:27 pm
I find this gude to be quite good: all the ratios and is updated each month