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New NCMall Items

Thu May 08, 2008 3:29 am

So the new NCMall items are rarely actually announced, and sometimes, they really deserve comment.

Like today's new item: "Flatulence in A Minor Music Track"

The part of me that has the little-boy humor my dad instilled in my sister and myself before my brother was born is :roflol:
But at the same time, I'm fairly surprised that they added something like that. I mean, it's one thing to have dung (and rainbow dung, etc), but a sound track with farting noises? {shrugs} I'll bet TNT got a good laugh out of creating and putting this item out. :)

The Rain and Flowers Thought Bubble that was put up late last week is quite nice, I thought.

Thoughts on other new items?

Re: New NCMall Items

Thu May 08, 2008 6:41 pm

Haha! It is funny, but it is like what...four note (or farts) or whatever. It seems like a little song is just getting started, but then stops. It should be longer and then it would be funnier.

I love the dark princess set, and I can't wait for the dark prince set. If anything would ever ever make me want to spend real money for pixels that would, depending on how good it looks.

Re: New NCMall Items

Fri May 09, 2008 10:22 am

smudgeoffudge wrote:I love the dark princess set, and I can't wait for the dark prince set. If anything would ever ever make me want to spend real money for pixels that would, depending on how good it looks.

I don't know if they'll come up with that; there's a gypsy girl set but no gypsy boy set... it would be nice though.

Re: New NCMall Items

Tue May 13, 2008 5:42 pm

They just came out with a Fur Lined Tiara. It's not bad looking at all (and it still shimmers). Reminds me almost of the little silver plastic crowns with feathers that they make for young girls (as as much as I would've never admitted it in high school, I always wanted one!).
I'm very, very tempted to use my free NC on it for my royal Faerie Uni. The shade of pink matches the Faerie Uni pink wings...

Re: New NCMall Items

Wed May 14, 2008 3:07 am

I actually don't like the furry's kind of tacky...but I can see why people would like it.

Re: New NCMall Items

Wed May 14, 2008 3:46 am

Pink wrote:I actually don't like the furry's kind of tacky...but I can see why people would like it.

I think I like it for the color matching. Though it, and that new dance background... :)

Re: New NCMall Items

Sat May 17, 2008 10:18 pm

Pickles wrote:They just came out with a Fur Lined Tiara. It's not bad looking at all (and it still shimmers). Reminds me almost of the little silver plastic crowns with feathers that they make for young girls (as as much as I would've never admitted it in high school, I always wanted one!).

Heh. I used to wear one like that around when I went out. I have a very high tolerance for silly. ;)

I think that playing on nostalgia for dress-up clothes is a good marketing strategy. I'm actually tempted by the tiara, and I can definitely see why someone would spend actual money on the Dark Princess gear.

Re: New NCMall Items

Sun May 18, 2008 2:40 am

As small and subtle as it is, I am REALLY liking the Black Satin Bow Tie.

Re: New NCMall Items

Thu May 22, 2008 7:24 am

They have a new Chirping Music Track, which is just your usual tweets and chirps, but it caught made my cats' interests when I previewed it. Their ears perked up and they kept looking around the room for the "birdies" :lol:

Re: New NCMall Items

Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:26 am

Has anyone else looked at the Sparkling Waterfall Background? It's new as of today, but wow, is it awesome looking!

Re: New NCMall Items

Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:36 am

Pickles wrote:Has anyone else looked at the Sparkling Waterfall Background? It's new as of today, but wow, is it awesome looking!

Thanks for pointing it out! I just bought one for my Lenny :D Here she is if anyone wants to see what it looks like :)

Re: New NCMall Items

Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:21 am

Has anyone else tried on the Nutcracker Superpack? It comes with the following: Nutcracker Music Track, Nutcracker Face Paint, Under the Tree Background, Nutcracker Hat, Nutcracker Slacks and Boots, Nutcracker Jacket, Golden Nutcracker Gloves, and a Nutcracker Toy Sword. (The gloves and sword can only be gotten via the superpack).

...I know it's 900NC, but it's totally made of WIN. I'm seriously thinking of buying another NC card just to get it, it's so awesome.

Okay, so I'm totally a Nutcracker fan, so this one really geeked me out.

Re: New NCMall Items

Wed Dec 10, 2008 5:48 am

I think it is clever that they made the sword the bonus item as it is probably the only thing that I would really rush out and buy it with out much thought. They need more items for pets to put in their fists and I think the sword is very nice. No way in heck I'd pay 900 NC for a sword though.

Has anyone else noticed that Kacheeks seem to be incompatible with quite a few neocash mall items? They're such a popular pet I find it really odd.

Re: New NCMall Items

Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:38 pm

I would love to find a Neocash card in my stocking on Christmas day so I can dress up my lupe as a nutcracker.

Re: New NCMall Items

Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:17 pm

I think the newest item from the NC Mall that I like is the Sparkling Waterfall Background. It's just so peaceful and calming.

The Nutcracker super-pack does look surprisingly good on my Zafara though.
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