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Should the Top Pet Rankings list be limited?

Yes - it should have a minimum PPT stat score requirement
Yes - it should have a cap on the number of pets
Yes - it should just consist of pets with AWESOME names
No - Including everyone makes it better
No - It's a historical document
I couldn't care less either way.
No votes
Total votes : 30

PPT Top Pets Ranking Poll

Sat May 10, 2008 4:43 pm

Some of you may not necessarily know it, but Pink Poogle Toy has a list of all posted pets, ranked by battledome statistics score, in the Battledome Forum.

It's right here, for the curious.

The list is theoretically titled "PPT Top Pet Rankings," and was started several years ago by a user named Koddo, though I maintain it now.

Recently a question has come up: Should the list be limited to a certain minimum statistic score, or a certain number of players?

This thread serves three purposes:
1) To tell me, the list manager, whether or not to install some sort of limiting device.
2) To give new users the knowledge of the rankings thread and request that their pets be added (on that thread, of course)
3) To request that users who no longer own those pets or no longer wish that their pets be listed PM me to remove their pets.

Thoughts? Feel free to make an argument either way.

Note: Don't post on this thread if you want your pet added or removed. If you want your pet added, post it on the Rankings thread. If you want your pet removed, PM me.

Re: PPT Top Pets Ranking Poll

Sat May 10, 2008 6:17 pm

I think it should be limited to like the top 50. To be on the Top 50 PPT Neopets list, you must meet or exceed the stats of the pet ranked #50.

Re: PPT Top Pets Ranking Poll

Sat May 10, 2008 6:21 pm

I think there should be a cap on the amount of pets listed; from upto #100 or upto #50 or something within that range.

Re: PPT Top Pets Ranking Poll

Sat May 10, 2008 7:09 pm

I voted "Other." While I know my pets aren't the strongest or the best, it's really cool to see where they fall in comparison to other pets. So I don't think there needs to be a cap or minimum score. :)

Re: PPT Top Pets Ranking Poll

Sun May 11, 2008 7:00 pm

My pet isnt on it, but getting rid of pets on frozen accounts, and pets who still have their original stats with no training makes sense. Other than that, I dont mind the list being as long as it is.

Re: PPT Top Pets Ranking Poll

Mon May 12, 2008 1:01 am

I voted yes. It gives something for people to work towards and it's like a reward for being listed. Else it is too easy to be listed and then not valued.

Re: PPT Top Pets Ranking Poll

Mon May 12, 2008 1:52 am

I voted yes. Frozen accounts and non-active pets I think should be removed. This is a list for people that are training their pets for the battledome, if a pet is listed with original stats and then not trained, the list is then just a list of PPTer's pets.

If the list is about training, then it will give those who are training an incentive to keep going.

I know when I slackened off on training and I was passed by a few pets, I wanted to get back into training and move back up the list.

In the last 6 spots there are 2 pets (Assatsu and Kenkyuudaimoku) that are on frozen accounts.

Re: PPT Top Pets Ranking Poll

Mon May 12, 2008 2:24 am

I voted that there should be limited spots, like Top 50 or Top 75 or something. In a BD guild, you don't see a Top Pets page with pets on there without any training, so it should be no different here :P

Re: PPT Top Pets Ranking Poll

Mon May 12, 2008 1:25 pm

While it is probably the best to have a Top 50 or 100 ranked list, I also kinda like the way you can just see how you or other people compare, who fall below the cutoff, especially on a big site like PPT where newer people can almost never catch up with the top ranked pets. So I'd prefer a simple minimum requirement to be listed in the rankings, say a total score of 200 (HP+STR+DEF). That way only people that seriously train will be listed. I also think it'd be better to limit the number of pets per person to one only to reduce the list size, most people only have one pet they really train anyway.

Re: PPT Top Pets Ranking Poll

Thu May 15, 2008 9:28 pm

I'd say to clear out the frozen pets, and the ones who were never trained at all, but other than that... now that I'm back on Neopets regularly again, the list is part of my incentive to keep training her! Besides, it's fun seeing who ranks where.

Re: PPT Top Pets Ranking Poll

Fri May 16, 2008 1:41 pm

Until I saw this poll I had no idea that there wasn't already a limit of some sort! :oops: I guess that's what I get for barely skimming the topic. I saw the title "PPT Top Pet Rankings" and just assumed that meant only the best pets were listed so my pet would never stand a chance.

So that said, I think there should be some sort of minimum score, to keep out pets that aren't really trained at all, but then no other limit so like others have said, we can all see how we fall in compared to everyone else and have an incentive to keep training.

(admittedly my motives for wanting it this way are partly selfish, if the list is made only top 50 or 100 I won't be able to list my pet. But there's my two cents, for whatever it's worth.)

Re: PPT Top Pets Ranking Poll

Wed May 28, 2008 6:05 pm

Apparently the crowd has spoken (you are all welcome to continue to speak, by the way).

The next time the list is updated, probably mid-june, I'll do a search for all frozen pets and remove them.

There is a possibility (but not necessarily a certainty, keep that in mind) that I'll also remove pets with a combined PPT score of less than 55.

Re: PPT Top Pets Ranking Poll

Thu May 29, 2008 10:43 am

Not to nag, but shouldn't the minimum score be a bit higher? I mean, it only takes 7 of the 176 currently listed pets away, and 55 is easy enough to get just by using Coltzan's Shrine alone. I think the original purpose of this thread came out of an urge to make the list somewhat compacter o_O

Re: PPT Top Pets Ranking Poll

Thu May 29, 2008 2:00 pm

Hmm...I don't think I realized it was that easy. Should I maybe go with 75 then?

Re: PPT Top Pets Ranking Poll

Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:52 pm

I think that a 75 limit is good.
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