Some of you may not necessarily know it, but Pink Poogle Toy has a list of all posted pets, ranked by battledome statistics score, in the Battledome Forum.
It's right here, for the curious.
The list is theoretically titled "PPT Top Pet Rankings," and was started several years ago by a user named Koddo, though I maintain it now.
Recently a question has come up: Should the list be limited to a certain minimum statistic score, or a certain number of players?
This thread serves three purposes:
1) To tell me, the list manager, whether or not to install some sort of limiting device.
2) To give new users the knowledge of the rankings thread and request that their pets be added (on that thread, of course)
3) To request that users who no longer own those pets or no longer wish that their pets be listed PM me to remove their pets.
Thoughts? Feel free to make an argument either way.
Note: Don't post on this thread if you want your pet added or removed. If you want your pet added, post it on the
Rankings thread. If you want your pet removed, PM me.