For Neopets ONLY discussion.
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Neopets Problems and Site Changes (updated 12 March 09)

Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:12 am

With the condition of the Neopets site in a seemingly constant state of changes, with some glitches here and there, we thought it would be a good idea to have a consolidated announcement about the current problems and glitches of the Neopets site as well as some of the current changes. In this announcement, you will also find links to the threads discussing some of these issues.

Also, if you think that Neopets is down, please check the following site to see if it is down for everyone, or just you. Click Me!

Neopets Site Problems (updated 18 December 2008)

Password Vulnerability: A vulnerability in Internet Explorer can lead to password theft if exploited. This applies to all sites, not just Neopets. It is recommended that you use another browser for the time being. Discussion

No Trade Items: It appears that "No Trade" items are somehow able to be sold. This has been labeled a glitch for the time being. Please do not take advantage of this glitch. Discussion

Cookie Grabbers: A link or image on a site that steals a user's password information. Currently, they can be found on Neopets user-lookups and in shops. Discussion

Trading Post and Auction Glitches: People are losing money through the trading post and auctions. Items are then not received. Discussion

Daily Dare Megasupurb Prizes: People who participated in the most recent Daily Dare (March 2008) and qualified for the Megasupurb ranking did not receive the appropriate prizes. Discussion March 2009 update - still not fixed.

Neopets Changes and Events (updated 3 December 2008)

Key Quest: A new 3-D multi-player board game currently beta testing. Discussion

Neohomes 2.0: Currently in open beta testing. Neohomes are now 3-D, with new items. Discussion

If you have suggestions for updates to this thread, feel free to PM Werepup or any other GC mod.
Last edited by Blue on Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:12 am, edited 9 times in total.
Reason: Advent Calendar removal and general updates
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