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ok...this isnt real/

Wed Jun 02, 2004 4:58 pm

Look at this idiot:

She thinks she can fool everyone- and she can!

Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:04 pm

Pssh......that's good for a laugh.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:08 pm

So how exactly can you tell its a farce? I mean, likely it is, as I've never seen a pet with negative stats (and who in their right mind wouldn't re-roll stats like that), but is it possible to use HTML to cover up your real pet stats like that?

Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:10 pm

knowing what HTML is capable of, and the complete stupidity of the mistake (so stupid even a novice wouldn't make it. I know, i am one.), and her loopy story, yep

Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:11 pm

I've seen pets with negative stats before. I don't know how it happens, but it is possible.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:13 pm

... 0 weight? 0 height?

and this:

Strength : pathetic
Defence : defenceless
Movement : hardly moves

doesn't really sound like TNT stat logic

Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:15 pm

Height : 0 cms.
Weight : 0 lbs.

:shock: Very odd. (and a rather short pet!)

But I know that pathetic, defenceless, and hardly moves ARE the real stat names for when those stats are at 1.
Last edited by dog on Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:15 pm

Height : 0 cms.
Weight : 0 lbs.
LOL, if it was HTML then she did a good job with it :lol:

Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:16 pm

Umm.. are you sure it's fake? What if it isnt? There is nothing in the source code, so what else could it be, I dont think you will be able to cover up stats using HTML.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:18 pm

Strength : pathetic
Defence : defenceless
Movement : hardly moves

Sounds about right for beginning stats. Not so sure about the 0 height and 0 weight though. I do know that there have been glitches in the past which have allowed people to adopt more than 4 pets.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:22 pm

Yes, but look. Less than two weeks old.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:23 pm

Well, I'm not a genius at HTML, but I know a little, plus I have a pasttime of looking at other people's userlookups. I can't recall anyone having a pet lookup, without the correct blog(with pet pic, stats, etc.). So I don't know. And I would think that if this chick was trying to scam for some reason, she'd be asking for something... NP to train the pet, items to battle it, something, you know?

Wed Jun 02, 2004 6:25 pm

Johnnydontgo wrote:And I would think that if this chick was trying to scam for some reason, she'd be asking for something... NP to train the pet, items to battle it, something, you know?

The mechanics of hoaxing, if it is a hoax, I don't know either . . . but the lack of asking for something does not at all mean it's genuine. Lots of folks like to fool others just for the joy of fooling others.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 6:30 pm

hiddenneggs wrote:
Johnnydontgo wrote:And I would think that if this chick was trying to scam for some reason, she'd be asking for something... NP to train the pet, items to battle it, something, you know?

The mechanics of hoaxing, if it is a hoax, I don't know either . . . but the lack of asking for something does not at all mean it's genuine. Lots of folks like to fool others just for the joy of fooling others.

That's true, but that logic just escapes me. Why someone would waste their time... and especially on something this stupid... I don't get it. But you're right, I've seen people do it before.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 6:33 pm

Well, I've just read through the entire board, and I honestly don't think she faked it.

HTML is not enough to cover the stats, I believe when people used to do that for customization purposes it was done with style sheets, which do not work now, even for the pets who already had them in place. In any case, that would show up when viewing the source.

On the board she said that she adopted the pet from the pound for 57nps, and doesn't know how it got the stats. However another person said that someone else's pet had the same problem a while ago, and it was created when the site was down. That could possibly be the cause here. User is ashed_memory
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