Uuuhm...a lot. My husband and I both play neo, so we've bought the plushies we like and take turns redeeming them.
Ones I've redeemed: (14 - looking for 2 more currently out)
Series 1: Gold Aisha, Striped Cybunny, Brown Uni,
Series 2: Silver Shoyru, Silver Gelert, Island Kacheek
Series 3: Strawberry Poogle, Strawberry Usul, Faerie Aisha, Electric Wocky
Series 4:
none, but still trying to find a Halloween JubjubSeries 5: Camo Kougra
(looking to find the Christmas Bruce)Special: Royal Boy Uni, Royal Boy Gelert, Royal Girl Scorchio
Ones my husband has redeemed: (16 - looking for 1 more currently out)
Series 1:Gold Gelert, Gold Shoyru, Starry Grundo, Cloud Kougra,
Series 2: Silver Aisha, Island Bruce, Speckled Uni, Camo Poogle
Series 3: Strawberry Jubjub, Striped Xweetok
Series 4: Halloween Kacheek, Halloween Acara
Series 5: Electric Lupe
(looking for a Christmas Wocky)Special: Royal Girl Uni, Royal Girl Gelert, Royal Boy Scorchio
Yep. We like the plushies. A lot. They sit around our computers and watch us play.