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How many KeyQuest token do you have?

Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:51 pm

How many KeyQuest token do you have?

I have 6.

Cloud Meerca
Cloud Uni
Plushy Wocky
Blue Chomby
Island Bruce
Blue Elephant

Re: How many KeyQuest token do you have?

Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:42 am

I have 2. My beta one and a Pink Quiggle.

Re: How many KeyQuest token do you have?

Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:19 am

Two. My beta red mynci, and my strawberry poogle. (And the only reason I have the poogle is because I just couldn't resist when I happened upon some of the plushies)

Re: How many KeyQuest token do you have?

Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:23 am

I have 12:

All of those plus my new Island Bruce.:)

In keyquest, I usually only use either the Silver Shoyru or Starry Grundo. Theyre my favorites. And Id have more if the dumb Target nearby would ever put out series 3 and 4. I went there the other day, and they still have a meager supply of series 1 and 2 sitting on the shelves. I asked when they were getting the other series in, and they stared as if they had no clue what I was talking about.

Re: How many KeyQuest token do you have?

Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:24 pm

Uuuhm...a lot. My husband and I both play neo, so we've bought the plushies we like and take turns redeeming them.

Ones I've redeemed: (14 - looking for 2 more currently out)
Series 1: Gold Aisha, Striped Cybunny, Brown Uni,
Series 2: Silver Shoyru, Silver Gelert, Island Kacheek
Series 3: Strawberry Poogle, Strawberry Usul, Faerie Aisha, Electric Wocky
Series 4: none, but still trying to find a Halloween Jubjub
Series 5: Camo Kougra (looking to find the Christmas Bruce)
Special: Royal Boy Uni, Royal Boy Gelert, Royal Girl Scorchio

Ones my husband has redeemed: (16 - looking for 1 more currently out)
Series 1:Gold Gelert, Gold Shoyru, Starry Grundo, Cloud Kougra,
Series 2: Silver Aisha, Island Bruce, Speckled Uni, Camo Poogle
Series 3: Strawberry Jubjub, Striped Xweetok
Series 4: Halloween Kacheek, Halloween Acara
Series 5: Electric Lupe (looking for a Christmas Wocky)
Special: Royal Girl Uni, Royal Girl Gelert, Royal Boy Scorchio

Yep. We like the plushies. A lot. They sit around our computers and watch us play. :)

Re: How many KeyQuest token do you have?

Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:39 am

I only have my beta blue Bruce. I have been considering going out to Target to see what plushies they have though ;)

Re: How many KeyQuest token do you have?

Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:12 am

I've been considering buying them to add to my plushie collection. Yes I do have a plushie collection. I will post a photo in a few days. I cannot seem to find them in our target though. Maybe Rachel can point me in the right direction.



Re: How many KeyQuest token do you have?

Thu Dec 04, 2008 3:14 am

I have... a lot. Maybe 17? 20?

Re: How many KeyQuest token do you have?

Fri Dec 05, 2008 6:15 am

I only just got into KeyQuest, so I only had the starter one and AAA.

Might get myself another for Christmas. :)

Re: How many KeyQuest token do you have?

Sat Dec 06, 2008 12:54 am

So I went to Target like a month ago and actually bought two plushies. So now I have my starter Bruce, AAA, Cloud Uni, and Faerie Aisha :) It's lots of fun to play with the Cloud Uni and Faerie Aisha. I haven't played with AAA yet as so many people say the token looks awkward :/

Re: How many KeyQuest token do you have?

Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:07 pm

I'm late to the party and just recently started playing Keyquest, but I have:

Ylana Skyfire
Yellow Kougra
Faerie Aisha

I use the Faerie Aisha. I want them to release a desert one though! Or yellow. I guess gold is close but I haven't seen any in my area. I'd be okay with any pet/color that I have, though, but it doesn't appear that there are any (yet?) :)

What's the starter one everyone's talking about? The only ones I have are one's I've earned/redeemed.

Re: How many KeyQuest token do you have?

Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:07 pm

I had:

Strawberry Poogle
Faerie Xweetok
Yellow Xweetok
Blue Bruce

before my account was frozen. On my current acct I just have a red meerca :/

Re: How many KeyQuest token do you have?

Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:31 am

4, three of which are special.

Re: How many KeyQuest token do you have?

Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:25 pm

I have 5.

The yellow poogle,
Ylana Skyfire,

Nothing special.
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