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Things on Neopets that Need a Revamp

Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:16 am

Neopets has been around 9 years now. For a site with as many graphics and games as it has, it's kept up surprisingly well...but there are still old things that drive me nuts.

Faerieland desperately needs a redraw, and probably something clever and new to anchor it. I wouldn't mind if the Employment Agency got a serious makeover--maybe with more different types of jobs than just buying things; perhaps you could get a certain score on a game, or seek out various characters on the site who'd send you around until you completed the job.

The Battledome...woe is the Battledome. I feel like there is nothing that the clever folks at IDB don't know about the Battledome, which makes me rather sad because they do seem to enjoy figuring out formulas. It's not as much fun to play, knowing that most battles are a foregone conclusion because of math, and that there generally is a "best" set for everyone in each price category. I think some more random elements could be thrown in, maybe a formal tournament system. Also, the graphics are weaksauce.

And Guilds could be so much better than they are on so many levels. The standard layout is just bad and not very customizable, the communications features are lame, and there should be an actual reason to be in a guild beyond socializing. Maybe there could be a plot where guilds fought enemies as a group? I don't want to turn Neopets into World of Warcraft, but better, more purposeful guilds would keep people around more.

What else do you guys think needs a redo?

Re: Things on Neopets that Need a Revamp

Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:21 am

Pudding wrote:Neopets has been around 9 years now. For a site with as many graphics and games as it has, it's kept up surprisingly well...but there are still old things that drive me nuts.

Faerieland desperately needs a redraw, and probably something clever and new to anchor it. I wouldn't mind if the Employment Agency got a serious makeover--maybe with more different types of jobs than just buying things; perhaps you could get a certain score on a game, or seek out various characters on the site who'd send you around until you completed the job.

The Battledome...woe is the Battledome. I feel like there is nothing that the clever folks at IDB don't know about the Battledome, which makes me rather sad because they do seem to enjoy figuring out formulas. It's not as much fun to play, knowing that most battles are a foregone conclusion because of math, and that there generally is a "best" set for everyone in each price category. I think some more random elements could be thrown in, maybe a formal tournament system. Also, the graphics are weaksauce.

What else do you guys think needs a redo?

Their business ethic.

Re: Things on Neopets that Need a Revamp

Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:05 am

I want the grraal toothbrush game back.

Re: Things on Neopets that Need a Revamp

Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:44 am

Honestly, as far as battledome issues go: Why are armor pieces used the same as weapons? "I...can't wear an amulet and a helmet... and swing a sword at the same time... mind cannot comprehend so many... shiny objects!"

I can understand only having two limbs to swing a weapon. Having to go naked into battle because you apparently you use a suit of armor like a shield is just silly.

Re: Things on Neopets that Need a Revamp

Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:30 pm

I like the guilds the way they are personally. If guild members want to do more than just chat, it's certainly up to them. Maybe I'm a bit biased because I'm in a great guild with plenty to do, but I don't see any real point in changing the function of guilds. As for layout, it could probably use some work, but then again you'd have a bunch of people complaining that their layouts have broke. :P

I'd rather they didn't touch the battledome, purely because they'd probably make it flash and then I'd be limited to where I could use it. As it is, I can battle from our decent computer, our old computer, my wii, and just about any other way of connecting to neopets. Messing with it too much would limit me to just our decent computer, and maybe not even then. The new neohomes take so long to load I see no point in even trying them.

And am I the only person who likes old art? :P

- I would like them to maybe find a way to speed up the loading of some of the pages, particularly the news page which is always really slow.
- I'd like them to improve navigation a bit. The menus don't always work, and I still have trouble finding some places in neopia even this long after the change.
- I'd like to have more than 12 favorites, and I'd really like them to improve the loading time and navigation of the games room. Way too many categories. I have to use the search function a lot to find anything.

Re: Things on Neopets that Need a Revamp

Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:12 pm

I agree with all your suggestions, Pudding.

It would be pretty cool if they released a new land's been a while, hasn't it?

Re: Things on Neopets that Need a Revamp

Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:17 pm

Pink wrote:I agree with all your suggestions, Pudding.

It would be pretty cool if they released a new land's been a while, hasn't it?

The last world to be released was Shenkuu in 2006. (Neovia was released later that same year, but is not a world.) Sigh.

Re: Things on Neopets that Need a Revamp

Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:58 pm

I'd like an underground world or for them to do something with that large mountain at the south pole of Neopia.

Re: Things on Neopets that Need a Revamp

Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:38 am

smudgeoffudge wrote:I'd like an underground world

Are you thinking crab people or morlocks? :P

No seriously, there are indeed many, many parts of the site in need of a revamp. It seems however, that TNT is so focused on introducing new elements (new species, new colours, new worlds, ... ) that they just forget about what is already there, and looking bleaker and bleaker by comparison with each passing day. I guess we can only hope that the recent revamp of Haunted Woods means that TNT are considering revising their policy and are going to revisit more of the 'old worlds'. I mean, they've done Kiko Lake as well. It wasn't a big change, but then again, it wasn't a big world either. I guess all we can do is hope.

Re: Things on Neopets that Need a Revamp

Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:23 am

Pudding, I definitely agree with everything you said.

The games room needs a revamp - I don't know a single person that prefers this newer layout to the old layout. I also second butterfly's comment about having more than 12 favorite games.

Another couple of worlds that need some attention are Maraqua and Meridell. They disappoint me, but not as much as Faerieland.

Re: Things on Neopets that Need a Revamp

Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:45 am

butterflygirl wrote:I'd rather they didn't touch the battledome, purely because they'd probably make it flash and then I'd be limited to where I could use it. As it is, I can battle from our decent computer, our old computer, my wii, and just about any other way of connecting to neopets. Messing with it too much would limit me to just our decent computer, and maybe not even then. The new neohomes take so long to load I see no point in even trying them.

I completely agree. I am the kind of person who dislikes change, so I would prefer the BD stay the way it is (although maxing out on weaker opponents, especially for stronger pets, is terribly boring). Fixing the "no weapons" glitch and the "Error: Pet doesn't exist!" error would be nice, though.

Re: Things on Neopets that Need a Revamp

Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:57 am

I think it's a bit sad to see that people are against change here - given TNT's track record of 'revamps', I guess.

What would I like to see changed? Lutaris and Kois. Oh dear...

Re: Things on Neopets that Need a Revamp

Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:17 pm

Christopher wrote:Their business ethic.

Ditto. More specifically, their customer service and product reliability. *prods siggy for the thousandth time in the last 6 MONTHS*
But seriously, fixing things like auctions, trades, and other bugs should come first. And updating the toolbar to be compatible with FF3.0.

I agree about having more favorite games. They could add a lot more functionality to the stock market -- allowing you to sort your stocks by current price, for example, would let you more quickly find the ones you want to sell. And having a "select all" button for a particular stock would help when you're unloading 11,000 shares. Having a link to the "list bargain stocks" page right on the main stocks page would also be nice. As would raising the minimum # shares/day.

Re: Things on Neopets that Need a Revamp

Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:09 pm

^^^ I still have my stupid badge in trades with "AAA Gumball Machine" as the wishlist.

I'd like to see them actually go through the editorial and do everything they said they would. Like a "withdraw all" button on your shop till, that is an insanely easy thing to code. But then again I've lost hope in the editorial mostly, after I saw whoever answers it now incorrectly answer a few questions about site play.

3rding the interest in more than 12 favorite games.

I'd also like to be able to see someone's battledome record even if their pet is at 0 HP.

Re: Things on Neopets that Need a Revamp

Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:50 pm

One thing I would like is something that must desperetely be done. Is there a way to erase your battledome stats back to zero because I don't have thet pet anymore and would like to start a fresh battledome record? Anyone think this is a good idea?
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