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My christmas is a downer now thanks to the staffs of neopets

Wed Dec 24, 2008 3:22 am

Today i logined to find my account was disabled by neopets team. >.> A few days back, i sent a few scores of games that needs to be reviewed. There was one game i scored ranked first in the high scores. Does that make them suspicious? I mean, those people at high scores were not banned. Why it happened to me. My hardworked account that has all the past site trophies and flash game trophies is now wiped. It happened to my very first account before, that was when i earned 3m, now it happens on the 2nd chance i gave neopets, which i earned 1m 2 days ago and was working my way to getting more trophies.

I played during my free time, and this is the result i got for being loyal to neopets for 7years running on that account. I dont know about this.... but how could i persuade the team that im sure they made a mistake? Sending a few more reviewed scores and it results in bann? i sent about 4 - 5 reviewed scores. How can they insult me of cheating. :( Appreciate the help i could get from here. =x. If i cant get my usual account back, i wont be playing anymore. All my site trophies that cant be returned, and the plot prizes.... its too much.

Re: My christmas is a downer now thanks to the staffs of neopets

Wed Dec 24, 2008 3:27 am

If you are not Premium, here is the form you should submit (fill out as many details as you can). You'll likely get a response within a week or two.

Other than that, there is not much else you can do except wait for a response. I hope this is all sorted out and that you get your account back :)

Re: My christmas is a downer now thanks to the staffs of neopets

Wed Dec 24, 2008 3:31 am

Thanks. i did sent a copy over. What i wish to know is will the team ever give back accounts that are being disabled, or regardless the reason, the account is gone forever?? Meaning they disband my account totally.

Re: My christmas is a downer now thanks to the staffs of neopets

Wed Dec 24, 2008 6:38 am

They do restore frozen/disabled accounts sometimes, but you've generally got to keep emailing and writing to them for a while before they restore an account. Some people have had better luck with snail mail, so here's the address, if you want it:

Neopets, Inc
P.O. Box 10060
Glendale CA 91209-3060

I hope you get your account back!

Re: My christmas is a downer now thanks to the staffs of neopets

Thu Dec 25, 2008 2:57 am

Thank you, pudding. Ill have to keep trying.

Re: My christmas is a downer now thanks to the staffs of neopets

Thu Dec 25, 2008 4:10 pm

The same thing just happened to me! I was putting stuff in my shop and getting ready to play some games when I was suddenly logged out. I tried logging back in but when I put in my password it said I had been frozen for inappropriate language on the boards. Funny thing is, I've never used the boards before! I can't believe this D: I had 1.5mil np in the bank, and I JUST put in two new codes yesterday for KeyQuest figures :( I've been playing on Neopets for over 8 years now (not on this account, as I don't remember the passwords to my older ones) and I'm honestly a bit upset. If my account doesn't get restored I'll probably not return to the site. All that wasted time (AND wasted money on Neopets merchandise :/ I want a freaking refund!)

Re: My christmas is a downer now thanks to the staffs of neopets

Sat Dec 27, 2008 3:40 am

Same thoughts exactly. i understand how you feel. Just got to keep sending mails to them to make them aware about this. The security is just over the line.

edit (1/1/09): Up till now, they never reply me at all. Did they really investigate thoroughly enough??

I got the urge to, get 1 neopets team witness me play the game. =x
Last edited by Pudding on Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: My christmas is a downer now thanks to the staffs of neopets

Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:17 pm

You really have to keep at them, unfortunately. They freeze a lot of accounts, and most of those send one or two emails. I know of a company (not Neopets, but I suspect with a similar philosophy) that only responds to customer complaints after you've called 3+ times, so they're sure you really care and will keep after them. Persistence pays off in these's annoying in the meantime, though. :(

Re: My christmas is a downer now thanks to the staffs of neopets

Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:17 am

Oh my goodness.... who would want to buy their products like this? What i know is some companies might delay the complains by pushing the mail to another department, claiming they are not incharge... i hate those too.

I have sent another form out. Do they have some hotline?? lol.

Re: My christmas is a downer now thanks to the staffs of neopets

Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:41 pm

I sent in another form as well. It's been over a week since my last one, and this is really getting to be frustrating!

Re: My christmas is a downer now thanks to the staffs of neopets

Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:36 pm

lu5t wrote:I have sent another form out. Do they have some hotline?? lol.

'Fraid not. :(
It's been so long since I joined I don't even remember their address anymore, ASSUMING they haven't moved.

Re: My christmas is a downer now thanks to the staffs of neopets

Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:38 pm

I got furious when i saw this message. Did they even do a detailed investigation? Why cant they return me my account. o.o I did not cheat at all.


Thanks for your inquiry. Your account has been frozen for cheating at flash games. This is strictly against the terms and conditions that you agreed upon when you created your account. You can review our terms and policies here - and here: Because you have violated our terms and conditions we cannot return your account, Neopets, items or anything else contained within that account.

If you have any other questions, don't forget to include your username clearly at the top of all your replies and the entire text of this e-mail. This will help me better address your situation.

Its somewhat like a computer generated message to me. The first account that they ban me was the same message. They only change the reason why account was frozen. Whats going on/?

Re: My christmas is a downer now thanks to the staffs of neopets

Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:13 pm

Yes, that's a computer generated message. From what I've heard, you have to be really persistent to get them to look into it. *hugs*

Re: My christmas is a downer now thanks to the staffs of neopets

Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:56 pm

lu5t, I got the same email today :/ sent one of my own back to them, asking for proof of my "inappropriate messages" and wondering if I could get an actual response and not a bot automated one :p We'll see how it goes, but I'm becoming severely disinterested in returning to the site....

Re: My christmas is a downer now thanks to the staffs of neopets

Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:23 am

They won't give you proof unfortunatly. Too much effort given the amount of emails they receive and have to work through. You're going to have to work with them to show them that what you are saying is true, and that involves making the work for them as easy as possible.
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