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Strange lab ray glitch?

Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:19 am

Interesting email from Tim which I didn't have the answer for. Wondering if anyone knows the answer to this?


This is sort of an odd question, but can you refer me to anybody who is really familiar with what the Laboratory Ray is capable of doing?

I think I ran into a glitch of sorts. I had a Christmas Kau, and when I zapped it, it changed the color to rainbow, but the antlers remained.

I attached an image of my pet's quickref, showing what I think is the glitch.

I'd like to know if this is a one-of-a-kind type thing, and if I should stop zapping her.




Re: Strange lab ray glitch?

Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:35 am

Its all the fault of customization! :P

The antlers as well as the nose are probably considered wearables. When you zap your pet to a diff colour, the previous wearables remain unchanged unless the new colour gives you wearables as well, then all conflicting items are automatically removed. Since rainbow doesn't come with clothes, the previous settingn remain. All tim has to do is go to customization and remove it.

Not a glitch at all :)
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