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Furniture problems

Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:45 pm

Hi, I'm new to Neopets. Well, sort of. I had played back in like 2003/4/5, then took a long break, but I'm back. And I have a question!

I'm buying some furniture for my Neohome just to have more than the simple blue stuff, but sometimes I buy things and I can't put them in my home! This makes me sad. Is there something I need to do to furnish my place?

Thanks for helping the sorta-newbie. :)

Re: Furniture problems

Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:26 am

There are two types of Neohomes, and different furniture can be added to the two types of homes. Neohome v.2 (the 3-D one) items will have (Neohome) [I believe that's what it says] after them in your inventory, much like wearable clothes have (wearable) after it but non-wearable clothes don't. I'm sure there are guides for what furniture can go where, but someone else will have to post one for you.

Re: Furniture problems

Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:41 am

Oh okay! Will items that can't go into the new homes eventually become hospitable to 2.0? (Not to make awful jokes about hospitality and homes...)

Re: Furniture problems

Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:27 pm

yes, the staff is slowly working their way through the few thousand items that were released for neohomes and neogardens over the years.

Re: Furniture problems

Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:38 pm

Oh man, I bet...going all the way back to the first furniture stuff back in the olden days. I'll just tuck the items away in my safety deposit box for now.

I got the help I need, so I'm gonna lock this topic if that's ok--thanks everyone! :D
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