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News for November 24th

Tue Nov 24, 2009 4:08 am

24th November

    Now your Neopet can enjoy a harvest dinner with these delicious dishes from Merifoods!


    A new page of Poems has just been released for your reading pleasure including "It's a Completely Non-Lethal Sandwich" and "The Gross Food Buffet".

    Are you thankful for this new Caption Contest?


    It's that time again!A new Story Telling competition has begun!

    OK, Jaime, it's now or never. You've got to do this, the Usul told himself. It didn't stop his paws from shaking with nervousness, though.It's just eating. You love to eat. It'll be a piece of cake... ugh, I shouldn't think about food...

    Congratulations go out to narojon and Nizafara!Each has proven spiffier than the rest in the Customisation Spotlight.Voting for this week's contest has begun.Good luck to this week's entrants!


    The Pet Spotlight trophy of the week has been given to lory_mosk the Usul.


    This weekend is your last chance to get Fall Shop and Neopets Birthday items at the NC Mall. Celebrate before they're gone! Visit the NC Mall!


Re: News for November 24th

Tue Nov 24, 2009 7:28 pm

Nothing about AAA though, :/
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