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News for January 8th

Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:50 am

8th January

    There are some new rather unique foods on sale at Qasalan Delights.


    Take a moment or two for there are wonderful new Poems including "Resewn Shoyru Plushie" and "Toys to the Rescue".

    If you are curious to learn more about Clara you should enjoy this new Neopedia article.


    There is a new Mystery Pic competition.The answer to the last one was Ruki - Yellow Welcome Shopkeeper.829 people guessed correctly, earning them 2,413 NP each.

    There seems to be some holiday food left over in our latest Caption Contest.


    faerie_admirer1 has just won the latest Neohomes Spotlight award with their magnificent home - The Shenkuu Gardens.

    The Bori and Hissi now have full armour available to them from the Defence Magic Shop.


    This week's Petpet Spotlight award has been given to Tolovan II the Alabriss.

    This weekend is your last chance to get Holiday and New Years items from the Holiday Shop at the NC Mall!

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