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News for February 6th and 7th

Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:08 am

6th and 7th February

    The newest issue of the Neopian Times has been released! Keep your eyes open for great stories and adventures like How to Celebrate Jhudora Day in Style and Living with Skeiths.


    Head over to the Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop if you'd like to try one of these new foods!


    We are planning a special for the Art Gallery on Tuesday next week, so send in all of your Anti-valentine's Day art!

    AAA just couldn't wait until March this year, so Daily Dare will start next Thursday February 11th.You might want to start practicing now.


    A new Random Contest has begun!Good luck to all the entrants, and congratulations to last week's winners.

    The Slogmok and Gypmu can now be painted new colours at the Petpet Puddle!


    Jhudora was feeling a bit frazzled after Jhudora day so she took a break and now has had a makeover.

    The Faerie Weapon Shop has some powerful new weapons...


    The next round of the Beauty Contest is about to begin!Head on over and vote for your favourite.

    During the month of February, redeem a Neocash Card from Shoppers in the Canada and receive an exclusive bonus virtual item! Visit the NC Mall!


Re: News for February 6th and 7th

Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:13 am

ugh, a new daily dare. Depending on what it's like, I probably won't take part in it. I am going on neopets less and less each week, I need to get active again. =/
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