If you like poetry, head over to the Poetry Gallery.A new page has been added with poems such as "Spring in Neopia" and "Ode to Spring's Return".
Congratulations go out to Tetrahhh and ShenLung_Saphira!Each has proven spiffier than the rest in the Customisation Spotlight.Voting for this week's contest has begun.Good luck to this week's entrants!
A new Story Telling competition has begun... Why not test your creative skills and give it a whirl?
Chunks of broken crystal showered down like hail from the ceiling, slamming into the table above Saskya's head with loud plunks and shattering on the marble floor. The Scorchio curled into a tighter ball under the table, wrapping her wings around herself to ward off the tiny splinters of crystal. The ballroom was filled with the terrified screams of Neopets and the thunder of their footsteps as they tried to flee.
There is a Ferocious Negg in our latest Caption Contest.Think of something funny to say and you could win lots of delicious prizes!
The Pet Spotlight of the week has been given to a Gelert called Cenlyr.
The Green Shop is now open at the NC Mall! Show your Neopet off in new Green gear like the Colourful Stepdance Dress or Green Knot Wings. Or, find out what awaits at the bottom of the rainbow with the End of the Rainbow Mystery Capsule! Visit the NC Mall!