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What Neopet Merchandise Did You Ever Buy?

Sun Apr 11, 2010 12:26 pm

Yestraday, I got a old Aisha plushie with three TCG codes. Also, I have (bought in order) a Christmas Quiggle, Faerie Aisha, Red Pteri, Robot Kacheek, Starry Kau, Robot JubJub, Red Acara, Cloud Flotsam, and a Starry Elephante. What merchandise do you have?

Re: What Neopet Merchandise Did You Ever Buy?

Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:20 am

I bought a White Lupe that was on clearance at some card shop a long time ago. It sits and watches over my computer.

I saw an electronic Blue Lupe at Target a couple years go, but didn't buy it when I first saw it. It was gone when I went back for it :cry:

Re: What Neopet Merchandise Did You Ever Buy?

Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:15 am

Nothing. Nor do I ever see myself spending actual money on Neopets. I don't really like stuff that would clutter up my place, and I couldn't (from my own point of view) waste money on pixels (via Neocash). Not to knock anyone who chooses to spend their money that way, but I've got other priorities for my cash... Then again, I do invest a decent amount of time into the site.

Re: What Neopet Merchandise Did You Ever Buy?

Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:25 pm

My sister bought me an elephante plushie for xmas one year.. The dang thing didn't have a rare item code, which is all I wanted x_x. Oh well.

I'm guilty of using my rebate card from buying my cellphone to buy a bit of neocash. It's more convenient to know exactly how much I have on a card when spending, so I don't carry cards with such small limits.

Re: What Neopet Merchandise Did You Ever Buy?

Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:25 pm

When they first came out I got a red scorchio and green cybunny from the states. I can't remember which shop it was from exactly but they were the first plush to come out.

Then I got a doglefox, a white dogledfox, a babaa, a haris, a kadoatie and a blue noil from Claires. =P

Recently someone got me one of the Key Quest plush, a pink korbat!


I got this token from it. Isn't he adorable! <3

*wishes there was more korbat tokens*

Re: What Neopet Merchandise Did You Ever Buy?

Tue Apr 20, 2010 10:58 pm

Newly added to my collection are 1 Robot Kacheek Clippie and 1 Gold Blumaroo Clippie. I also have a Series 3 Collector Figurine Pack. I have spent about $70 on merchandise and $10 on NC now that I calculated... :o That's a lot considering I don't have allowance...

Re: What Neopet Merchandise Did You Ever Buy?

Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:35 am

I got one of those pocket neopet things like 5 years ago. I wasn't very impressed and lost the 3 little plastic characters you need to play the game in like the first week :o

I think I bought a total of 3,200 NC in the last 2 years.

Re: What Neopet Merchandise Did You Ever Buy?

Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:06 pm

I have a Pocket Neopet too. They aren't so great.

I just got a McDonalds Yellow Flotsam, a regular plush Spotted Aisha, and a Pink Elephante.

Re: What Neopet Merchandise Did You Ever Buy?

Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:55 am

I bought my wife a babaa plushie once.

Re: What Neopet Merchandise Did You Ever Buy?

Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:49 pm

White aisha plushie and blue aisha plushie from limited too, the cell phone coconut game, and that tamagotchi type thing with the aisha in the desert

Re: What Neopet Merchandise Did You Ever Buy?

Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:50 pm

Nothing, but I may invest in some Neocash soon.

Re: What Neopet Merchandise Did You Ever Buy?

Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:31 pm

I brought a doglefox and an angelpuss from Claires for my sister some years ago which my sister happily loved.

Years later, my sister was doing a cleanout of her room and she didn't want to keep the doglefox so I have it now.

Re: What Neopet Merchandise Did You Ever Buy?

Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:04 pm

July 11: Arrgh! I saw two packs of Series 3 figurines. Problem was, they were $8 each. I couldn't buy it. Also, I could have gotten two more plushies for my collection, but I didn't go to Target, where they were sold. Here are the images.

I've won the Petpet Park sweepstakes, and marked the date when it's supposed to come. Today is the official day. Now, to remember to check the front porch every morning. *waits patiently*

March 12: I got a White Dogelfox from 2002 and one pack of TCG cards a few weeks ago.

Re: What Neopet Merchandise Did You Ever Buy?

Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:27 am

I once had a Pocket Neopet, but I sent it along to another user I got to know through here when I moved. Also, I always intended to get the officially published Neopets Novels, though I've since lost track with a lot of things. Will get back eventually. ;)

Re: What Neopet Merchandise Did You Ever Buy?

Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:11 pm

I bought a blue Aisha from Limited Too to commemorate the first pet I had ever created. (Now that account was hacked and frozen...)
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